While the mother of all grinches melted it with surgical precision in time for Christmas morning, that was a bigger snow event region wide on 12/17 than we'd seen in quite some time in December. I think that's the one that dropped 12-16 widespread in SNE with up to 3 feet in parts of NH into the southern tier of NY state (BGM). What was your total for that event? I know 2019 gave you a 20 spot roughly in the first few days of the month but my recollection is not much after the first week. So from a snow perspective, 12/20 was better than most Decembers but the holiday melt down put a bitter taste in many mouths. And the 12-16 in SNE was the only significant event of the month. Nevertheless, temperature departure was a modest +1.3 at BOS. Despite the negatives, I'd take that this year.