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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. For this part of the world, this dry period has rivaled the drought of the early 60s that tamarack alludes to. However, in my years of living in southern California, this is nothing. One year when I was living there (1976-91) the city of LA went 7 months without a trace of rain.
  2. I am adverse to weekends but will consider it depending on when.
  3. I actually didn’t mind 2001-02. You knew winter was cooked very quickly so it was kind of relaxing.
  4. December for now looks promising to start. I wouldn't expect BIG snow in sne before 10 days in but the players per the ensemble products appear to be heading into position.
  5. People blowing loads too early. Pace yourselves! We’re heading to IAH for thanksgiving-I’ll pay attention upon our return on 11/29.
  6. BOS hit freezing early this morning. That tends to occur within a week of 11/10 each year and 2024 is no exception.
  7. Drove through your neck of the woods today. Windy and a tad chilly.
  8. 0Z/13 MET with a low of 22 tomorrow night at Logan. Sell.
  9. Incidentally I’ve noticed the squirrels in IL/IN where I’ve been for the past 10 days are really tubby. Not so much in sne at least when we left on Halloween. I think the Midwest may have a good snow winter which makes sense with the better proximity to troughing in the inter mountain west.
  10. I remember that summer of 1966 that tamarack alluded to. Crazy times. The current pattern appears to be getting wetter moving forward.
  11. Well I’m covering my ac unit today. Of course we’re leaving town for 2 weeks tomorrow so it’s a safe bet that it won’t be needed until May at the earliest.
  12. We stayed at an AirBNB in Underhill about a year and a half ago. Didn't realize it was that snowy there....
  13. While the mother of all grinches melted it with surgical precision in time for Christmas morning, that was a bigger snow event region wide on 12/17 than we'd seen in quite some time in December. I think that's the one that dropped 12-16 widespread in SNE with up to 3 feet in parts of NH into the southern tier of NY state (BGM). What was your total for that event? I know 2019 gave you a 20 spot roughly in the first few days of the month but my recollection is not much after the first week. So from a snow perspective, 12/20 was better than most Decembers but the holiday melt down put a bitter taste in many mouths. And the 12-16 in SNE was the only significant event of the month. Nevertheless, temperature departure was a modest +1.3 at BOS. Despite the negatives, I'd take that this year.
  14. I think we’ll have wetness mid November into January and it should be warm and on the dry side February. We’ll see. Is this the year you had the very wet July?
  15. Do you expect dry conditions for the rest of your life?
  16. We’ll have a cold day or 2 next week before the next torch.
  17. lol….actually I bought it about 17 years before I worked at the VA. But we had some great parties off site off hours.
  18. lol….I bought the album in college
  19. I’m talking about the weather pattern but you knew that….
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