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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I remember driving to Ithaca from NJ. Pull off onto old 17 and there it was! However we often bypassed it having stopped at this deli in Monticello-can’t remember the name but it also was famous. This was in the late 1960s.
  2. And end of eps snows good things as we move into mid winter. Ironically the only time we pigged was this week and we snowed....but we had kind of a ridge bridge helping I think
  3. Lol....thanks Dave! I should have googled.
  4. Is the Roscoe Diner still around? It used to be on old route 17-before the highway was built out beyond there.
  5. I did too! I didn’t leave the house figuring by the time I woke up (30 minutes ago) it would be above freezing.
  6. She pump it up to 5 years under her age? We keep our house at 68 winter, 72 summer.
  7. Nice little snow burst. Lightened up now. Coating.
  8. I thought eps long range Pacific was trending to dung. However didn’t we just get a KU with that look?
  9. Cmon Wolfie...it’s ok to say the potential is there 10 days out....our mets in this forum do it all the time. If some weenie can’t take it if it changes that’s on them.
  10. It happens every gd year. Even in 2010-11 the Boxing Day storm melted with a mega torch a few days later. Wire to wires almost never happen sadly.
  11. Have you had a single winter that lived up to your standards since moving here?
  12. In 2017, we were at our annual gtg at Clarke’s when Scooter and Will pull up the 84 hour NAM which was the first model showing a cold caddy high. Prior to that it was a similar prog to the euro today. Ended up being a cold and snowy xmas morning and icy turning to flakes xmas eve.
  13. Ironic that this weekend is about as ideal as it gets....
  14. Every fukking year. No point fighting it. I’ll never forget the near 70 xmas eve 2014. A month later we partied like never before.
  15. Kind of like my Chicago relatives telling me how much more snow they get vs Boston trying to get me to move there.
  16. I don’t think I’ve had this much snow otg in the 5 years I’ve lived in this house. I’ve had one slightly larger storm but no way this much snow 2 days later.... Could be a fun winter. Squirrels were fat too.
  17. I don’t think the duration of the potential torch is enough to melt the current pack. There’s enough water so that post frontal it should be intact. And keep in mind I’m not a snowpack guy so no positive bias here.
  18. When you have a big December dump there’s always a pattern flattening. Think 1960, 1975, 2010. A ton of winter is left and I’ll be really surprised if the big 4 are not above normal snow wise once winter is over.
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