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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. As currently modeled its pike north. But it wouldn’t take much to include southern areas.
  2. They’re fat everywhere this fall going into winter. We’ll see but I tend to think they’re lying conspirators.
  3. That’s a plowable event on the 8th with a big SWFE cooking a few days later.
  4. I think we’re AOB now to almost mid month. AOA mid month to late December. Pattern starts changing back to colder between Christmas and new years, heading much below NYD to mid January with a dramatic flip warmer mid January into February. Snow is always a wildcard with obviously much better probability during the cold periods but still on the table for well timed events during the warmups.
  5. Well I was not here for 82 but sorry-as amazing as 97 was, the day before was spring like and we lost 6 inches of it when the snow started tapering off before the sun came out as the storm ended. 93 was legit but it changed over to rain here kind of killing the winter vibe. Contrast to 12/12/60, 12/5-7/03, 12/26/10 which we’re more wintry than the outlier once in a lifetimes late season.
  6. Disagree. I’ve been in many a March snow bomb in the 1950s and 60s and it’s not the same. March of 18 was great but even it lacked a midwinter vibe. The only exception I can think of is 3/3/60. That felt like January.
  7. Looks great but “nuking snow” with visibility shown doesn’t pass the “I’m not a weenie” test.
  8. We have an intensive synchronous on line course. I used to lead it but now I leave it to the next generation which is great because I don’t like to get up too early.
  9. I actually agree with this but I also acknowledge climo. December isn’t as snowy as March most years. Normal high temperature for BOS 12/1 is 46-similar to mid March. However you’re clearly in deep winter by the December solstice. It’s just the seasonal lag means we wait to later in December. But Kev is right-March while often snowy has a spring vibe and December a winter one.
  10. Good post, George. It will be nice to see some snow finally.
  11. Don’t ever travel through airports on Black Friday! Nice to be back for the cusp of met winter. Hopefully I’m not tired of it by mid January.
  12. What’s the big deal? It will get colder by a good margin. We’ll get SOME snow-pattern relaxes mid month, reloads for 10 days, massive warm cutter wipes out snow otg in all of New England 12/24-25. Cold again for back to work post NYD.
  13. Well get some snow otg for sure before 12/10. Keep hope alive.
  14. First flake in the 1999-00 winter at BOS was 1/12/00. Over the next 30 days 25 inches and then good bye winter.
  15. It's a matter of how seriously one takes it. If it consumes your being such that there's a black cloud over you if winter looks good and then shits the bed, you probably should think about stepping back from it. If it's fun and actually even laughable when things falll apart you're good. In any case, Happy Thanksgiving! Most of us have it way better than the vast majority of humans world wide. Plenty to be thankful for.
  16. All vendors go 10:1. The problem is what they consider snow vs other forms of precipitation including slop.
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