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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. You sure that’s this run? Here’s the image I have and composite radar
  2. PD2 was bitter but the CF got west of BOS. Even January 2005 was subzero in the AM but nearing 30 during the event. 2/14/2016 was the coldest day in BOS in 59 years. It snowed to rain 48 hours later but that was a cutter. It happens more than you might think in regular coastals. I’m sure you’ve been 35 with snow starting and below freezing an hour later countless times. All through the 50s amd 60s when some of us were growing up it was a common occurrence.
  3. Their algorithm is weird at times. With heavy rates on the front end and a cold column 925 on up how do you get upper 30s? I’m not sure it’s doable in that synoptic situation.
  4. Ok and what was your total for the storm presuming you measured and shoveled?
  5. Pretty harsh. Do tell us the difference between your thoughts and NWS.
  6. One consistency amid the chaos is to speed this system up with respect to start time.
  7. Widespread warning snows. I’m finally looking out at a mby snow cover and it’s beautiful. New snow and lots of it coming late Monday. That BOX expected snow map ends 7AM Tuesday so more after that. My worry is taint but I’m thinking we’re mostly snow in terms of what the majority of qpf will be. But models and firehoses have trouble it seems. Another thing is a lot of night snow. It seems so many events peak at night.
  8. Anyway fun event coming. Most of us will get some heavy snow and wind even if it rains/sleets some.
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