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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. 18z gfs likes VDay to a degree. Likes the 17th and swfe the 19th. GEFS are on board for all 3.
  2. Wow I missed that. Agree that warning is/was too aggressive
  3. December-not so unusual especially once we got the big snow. But the grinch was a bit as crazy as it could be and then January was dry and blah so agree regardless of what happens winter can only reach A status if it pulls a 2015. Most of had above normal December snow regardless of the grinch, below normal January snow, and we seemed to be heading to above normal February snow. Last winter for mby was atrocious in comparison
  4. Yeah go where you have to in order to enjoy it. After this winter, each of us has one less to live through.
  5. That’s one thing about this event that has been puzzling. It’s only 2/9 and the temperatures have been in the 20s but it took a bit to accumulate in pavement. No problem now but early on it seemed to be a struggle.
  6. Heavy snow.. 2” as of 10 minutes ago.
  7. Borderline heavy. Seems like we’re getting a band developing over EMA inside 495?..edit...the whole eastern half of MA.
  8. Not over. You know March is serious especially where you are.
  9. EPS seems to like the 17th but it’s ok for VD also. Still time for the earlier event,
  10. 1.5 with decent snow coming straight down-no wind.
  11. Seriously what has your winter been like? I know January sucked for all of us until the last week but February has exceeded expectations and climo so far.
  12. The winner! -18 at Boston (Logan wasn’t the place yet), -15 at KNYC, I thnk it was -12 in DC?
  13. I had a 15 minute lull about an hour ago. Light to sometime moderate with small flakes now.
  14. I’m hoping the stuff from the south fills in the slot before it gets me but it’s kind of a long shot still
  15. Today is a historic anniversary for the metropolis and it isn’t snow.
  16. Snow has increased over the past 5 minutes with better flakes. Let’s see....
  17. I’m neither but will weenie advise to toss the RGEM 80% of the time.
  18. Light snow..was a brief burst of moderate with good flakes. Now high end light with smaller flakes.
  19. Light steady snow commenced within the last 20 minutes. Tiny flakes still
  20. Thanks Will! Wouldn’t be surprised if that worked out like it shows.
  21. Lol...getting stuff done before a weenie day? I have a writing deadline looming that I’m trying to get done in between systems
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