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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. We know how that usually ends don’t we...
  2. Hopefully not made up over the summer
  3. Of course! But certain trends should be studied further. The question is do the results make a difference? If women actually are more susceptible to a reaction but all recover in a day or 2 what is added other than knowing what we already suspected? There are a ton of unknowns. Why do some young people not react at all? Why do some high risk old people have strong reactions? How much is psychosomatic?
  4. Yeah who knows? I have a friend who so far (10 years) has beat stomach cancer. He’s 80 and was sick for 2 days after Moderna shot #2. Women react more than men I think at least that’s most people’s observation.
  5. I think those of us with milder symptoms have crappier immune responses..lol.
  6. Small country but most people including those occupied and oppressed ignore the authorities. It’s also densely populated. I think it’s a reasonable example. No one at any checkpoint is checking temperatures...lol.
  7. Not sure....but it’s concerning. That said-the early returns say this is rare.
  8. I hope for her sake that happens!
  9. Yeah wtf is going on there? Vaccinated people have gotten covid and apparently 3 died?
  10. Regarding people who had had covid getting vaccinated-it is increasingly clear that doing that confers “super immunity” based an ab tests. Also, there is anecdotal evidence that long haulers that are with difficult symptoms get relief from vaccination. Time will tell
  11. The way it seems is the chances of a severe case once vaccinated is very low (MI notwithstanding). So logically that should be a reasonable factor in places not testing so often.
  12. I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve taken the approach of caution but not to an unnecessary level.
  13. That’s great! Onward to society!
  14. As Trump would say...look at your 401k!
  15. 33 is not young. It’s likely that he’s been in the sport since childhood. Mothers, don’t let your children grow up to be football players....
  16. That’s not it. That was fairly recently. The year I’m thinking about was ridiculously bad. I could probably tolerate it now with more free time but it was infuriating then!
  17. That doesn’t seem bad. The wheel of rhea HOF is Memorial Day weekend sometime in the mid 2000s. 40s and wet.
  18. I get this argument. New age parenting and current public education has turned out it many young adults unable to cope in the adult world.
  19. I don’t get why sleeping in a bit is a sign of a bad employee. I worked at a location other than home for 50 years. The biggest pain was getting less sleep than I should in order to get showered and dressed and travel to work so I could be there on time. If a remote worker can do the same things and have better work life balance why is that bad? If I were paying rent or buying office space I’d push remote work for those where it doesn’t make a difference. There are some face to face times but the overall benefit for the company and employee is high. Since I retired, I’ve had a part time remote gig (1 day/week). I realize that the work can get done and indeed I own the schedule more so everyone is happy. In fact, if anything I’m giving them more than their $$ worth. But admittedly I have the luxury of saying no at any time.
  20. Kind of like we got banished to a back room at JJ Foleys after we catcalled Barry for forecasting 1-3 with a changeover. This was circa 2009 and present were Max (capecod04), scooter, Will, Ray, Kevin, Zeus, Wiz, maybe Don?, Jack.
  21. Here’s a few more.....Stein beware!
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