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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Been a lot of snow at the early games in mlb this year.
  2. Yeah I didn’t expect anything. Especially when I was up to pee at 7:30 and it was pouring rain. I may have slept later but up again at 10:30 and looked out dumbfounded!
  3. Well the take home is Roy sang too early....
  4. That was well modeled and you remember Ryan pointing out that Kevin would do well. No everyone is surprised....
  5. Been light white rain for the past hour or so. Went out with the doggie for a mile walk......not sure she’ll make it to next winter and wanted to let her experience it one more time-big dog age 13.
  6. I happened to be outside at that moment. Presume it started with ctc lightning. Rolling in the clouds.
  7. Snowing hard. About an inch and street now covered.
  8. A month ago we’d be dancing in the streets with this setup
  9. I think you’re toast. The heaviest should be over but showery and cold with wet fairways doesn’t sound like fun.
  10. The Red Sox have had strong pitching. Always has been the name of the game.
  11. For me, once I retired I blimped. My wife texted me a picture of me sitting outside when we were in Florida and I was appalled! This after noting a 10 lb weight gain in October and maybe another 15 after. So I immediately trimmed portions and stopped eating sweets. I also stopped the habit of snacking on cheese and crackers. I’m a huge cheese lover and salty is more preferable to sweet for me. I limit cheese greatly. Total abstinence with food for me doesn’t work so I treat myself occasionally. I like my oatmeal a bit salty. Anyway once I made the changes after Florida my clothes are looser and I’m feeling better. Want to keep at it to get down to a reasonable weight. I avoid weighing myself-just eat less and more healthy. I have always exercised mostly walking and strength exercises now. But food intake is the culprit for weight gain for me. Another motivator is blood sugar. Fasting glucose in October was 99 which is at the upper end of normal. Haven’t measured A1C but I feel best when I’m running in the mid 80s to 90. I want to avoid diabetes as much as I can.
  12. Yup. I’ve had 5 if them...due for another bit need a little break....
  13. Don’t you think that gives a window into one of the reasons the USA has not done well with regard to spread. Our workplace norms are often inhumane.
  14. We paid $1100 for 13 days in a very basic car-about triple normal when we went to FL late February.
  15. I think it’s FL. When we went at the end of February into Fort Myers, we must have waited an hour in line. Same thing a few years ago....
  16. 737 Max? Fingers crossed...lol.
  17. And that includes pulling over to get the euro when something big is coming....and we love you for it! And for others-Ant’s dad I believe was a NYC cop. Not sure of the benefits but I suspect they’re decent in NYC including possibly retiring with a full pension while still pretty young. He can work in bumfuk, NH but the package as well as life would be dramatically different.
  18. Well for the town ordinance it’s rote learning of some prior concept. But yes-at some point logic has to prevail. Regarding the LTC facilities-that’s more complicated. It’s a quasi healthcare facility so SOP is being followed. Also, are all the employees vaccinated? Maybe risk to residents is low but can these employees easily spread the virus to all the locations they work? Many of these people have 2 or more jobs-they are often grossly underpaid.
  19. Totally agree but the town has the ordinance so why fight it...
  20. My friends in my age cohort have all been vaccinated as have all of my friends who I met through my career. When we get together as in last Monday night to see the dud of the NCAA final game, everyone checks in and since we’re all vaccinated the host home gives the ok for no masks. What I don’t get are people across the street from me covering up as they pass within 50 feet. With that said, maybe they’re like me and figure the other person is paranoid and cover up. I won’t humor those across thee street-it’s too absurd but passing on the same side I’ll mask up for the passing moment. My philosophy now that we’re vaccinated fully for the past month is to not worry. My wife has resumed her child care gig working Fridays. For the past several I’ve been home getting my CE hours. I’ve had no issues with the kids-boutique service with one set of siblings-but I admit I was annoyed when I found out one of them was “at the end of a cold”. Friday. But I’d have been annoyed 5 years ago too. Who wants a cold?
  21. I’m sorry you experienced that. In my fairly narrow world, certain signs have 2 possible origins-disease that is missed or unexplained. It’s easier not to miss disease with the amount of high tech available but at the same time tons of providers don’t even want to consider the fact that they’re wrong. That is unacceptable to me. In my years being an older provider with tons of experience, I questioned myself much more than I did decades ago. Like everything else, youth is wasted on the young.
  22. I don’t see that. mRNA is an established methodology. It makes total sense that the 2nd shot should result in a stronger reaction-the trials showed that. It doesn’t seem that there are reactions that would be unexpected TBH. But there is a subset of the population that reacts to everything including placebos. We also have routine patients that present with symptoms with no physical basis. Sometimes evaluating the gain in the game or the real mental conditions driving the behavior is revealing. The old word was malingering.
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