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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. “I’m pretty fu cking far from summer.”
  2. Probably will end up better severe events of the season....
  3. Lol...mine is a touch screen. Central is the only way to go. Nice thunder and lightning now.
  4. That sucks. Hopefully he can do ok. Covid sucks too. My daughter’s friend who she hasn’t seen the past few weeks because she (the friend) has a new boyfriend was at a gathering, got covid, and is really sick. 21 years old. Our daughter is fully vaccinated because she has.a weekend job taking care of a disabled woman in her home and the agency she works for arranged vaccinations for all of the home workers. But few of any of her friends are vaccinated including her sick friend. Hopefully the young woman ill does ok...
  5. I needed ibuprofen after my first. 2nd wasn’t as sore but I was more tired although it wasn’t too bad. Your friend has skin in the game at this point so he might as well complete it. People do what they want but the inability to tolerate minor discomfort for so many people amazes me. Worst case you’re housebound for a day or 2...
  6. Another thing about alcohol-it really disrupts my sleep pattern if I have more than a token amount. However edibles make me sleep great with vivid dreams.
  7. Interesting I’ve had no desire for alcohol or edibles or any other mind substance outside of caffeine. Not sure why. Been wanting an edible for months but mid evening I decide against it. The thought is fun but just not into this at this point. With that said, we’re entertaining both Friday and Saturday night so we’ll see....
  8. Blue laws have had no relevance in society for the past 80 years. Change can be hard in New England...
  9. Lol...bong water is pretty rank...
  10. True story. About 47-48 years ago I was boarding a plane with my friend who brought his huge bong with him. Going through airport security all the guys admiring it. He made it himself and eventually made one for me. I’m not sure where it went but I haven’t seen it since 1976.
  11. I think the essence of this country works against mass rules n certain things. I thnk that’s why you’ll not see govt enforcement of so called covid passports. But anyone traveling and requiring a passport will certainly carry verification of vaccination with them if they have it. Most countries are too locked down to travel to. It’s a good thing we have AK r traveling to snow might be tough in the future!
  12. I wonder if you were at the Hannaford my wife was at near Burlington? City Market is way over priced per her comment to me. I doubt those buffets come back. Kind of like the free samples from Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s....
  13. You realize that a free country allows private businesses to set their own rules right?
  14. It’s insane actually! During the day when people are out, I put my mask on as I leave my property and let it dangle around my chin while walking the dog. People fully masked glare at me. I avoid engaging anyone but if I did I’d ask why. If they said it was the rules. I’d ask if they ever exceeded the speed limit or parked too long for their meter. I love taking my long walk at night after dark when the only people out are not wearing masks. That’s what I loved when we were in FL. Indoors in public spaces people masked. But no one does outdoors except people who just arrived from NYC or Boston....lol. One thing is on a chilly night people often mask to keep their face warm. My wife is like that when it’s cold out.
  15. I actually just wrote about this issue vis a vis health care. One of the biggest priorities in the public sector is to equalize broad band so that rural and highly rural areas have access. Think about it from a health care perspective. Rural based patients have to travel long distances for specialty care. Telemedicine should bring the rural based patient more equal patient access but lack of strong broad band coverage makes it tough in many areas. Like the rural electrification done in the 1930s, we need as a country to prioritize this.
  16. Brick and mortar theaters are on the way out. I wish it weren’t so..love the theater experience. But streaming services are producing so much high quality stuff it doesn’t make sense to keep them going. Home theater used to only be for wealthy people. Now it’s for everyone.
  17. That was not true in the federal workplace I was in during the first 6 months of the pandemic. No one masked in private and it was evident on the too many calls we had. In fact, a directive specifically saying that masking is required outside of private offices.
  18. It’s a head scratcher for sure. Threw his career into the toity.
  19. Genetics, doing what you can to mitigate risk but I’m increasingly convinced that it’s 50% luck.
  20. So nice you do this-it’s a good deed done with love!
  21. Exactly. For me the numbers are a bit above normal but losing 2 months definitely soured the season although I spent 2 snowy weeks in Chicago during January.
  22. Damn...,,.not too far away I have 55.8. Last season I had 23.9.
  23. An inch yesterday. 55.8 looks to be final.
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