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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. BOS at 82. Methinks it’s too high based on obs over the past few weeks.
  2. “Can’t we all just get along?”
  3. Must be a million dollar phone-which may well need to be replaced.
  4. I don’t think it’s virtue signaling. It’s fear-paralysis against any change in status quo. Hopefully when the next town meeting happens they come to their senses and realize people ignore it.
  5. It’s the inability of town government to make an easy decision. If someone came up to me and said hey there’s an outdoor mask rule I’d ask if they ever went 38 in a 35 mph zone in the middle of the night...
  6. In my stupid town it’s not outdoors but non compliance is the rule.
  7. Who cares about speculation about other people’s worries?
  8. My daughter got pulled over in NH doing over 80. Pretty girl gets away with a verbal warning. Full application of all inherent privilege. She told me she did profusely apologize to the trooper when he told her how fast she was clocked.
  9. Severe in New England. Imagine that post in Oklahoma..
  10. I almost flipped the switch. Definitely later today. Took me til Friday to turn the boiler off
  11. I’ve seen some May days in Switzerland that give it a run for the money.
  12. True story I went to wrestling and afterwards everyone was milling around in the lobby of the theater it was held. Out walks Bruno Sammartino in a suit and tie carrying a briefcase. I was floored!
  13. Finally remembered to turn off the heat...will probably need ac mid week. Another day of destructive sun early and clouds mid day.
  14. Most people use them before me. It almost has to be high summer for me. Cool evening now so may hold off on tomorrow...lol
  15. Beautiful spring evening. I haven’t worn shorts since I was in Florida. Tomorrow is transition day.
  16. Thankfully spring will end soon and give way to hotter wx.
  17. Charles Shaw. Had a half a glass once and ended up with a blinding headache.
  18. I’d want 30 degrees+ warmer in temperatures and 30 degrees higher dew for outside work.
  19. Spring blows in New England period. Last Mother’s Day it was cold and blustery. It does look like we turn the corner after the next 3-4 days and actually tomorrow looks nice. Still....cloudy but manageable temperatures vs the shit of about a week ago.
  20. The day we sell is the day we either come into a windfall well above now or the day we leave the region. The biggest “problem “ is we really like this home and environment around it.
  21. Maybe the bylaws themselves are an impediment to progress. New England is unique that way.
  22. People have been meeting or exceeding those bids for homes imby for over 5 years. Heck, we made 100k the day we moved in and we’re up many times that now. In the end, the biggest 3 things are location location location.
  23. Reminder....it started 5 days ago.
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