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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Growing warm to hot and humid signal by next weekend.
  2. I’m an idiot. I forgot to fold up umbrella before leaving Boston a week ago. Damn!
  3. Sunny in Chicago-coolish but rapidly warming. It’s coming folks.
  4. I’m an idiot. I forgot to fold up umbrella before leaving Boston a week ago. Damn!
  5. I’m an idiot. I forgot to fold up umbrella before leaving Boston a week ago. Damn!
  6. I’m your weather a day before. Yesterday gorgeous. Today cold and raw. Tomorrow unspeakable but much nicer Saturday. Chicago
  7. So sad! We are a relatively small community and loss of James is a hard blow! This winter will not be the same...just terrible terrible news today.
  8. The guy in the background is James friend who joined us. Sad day and winter will not be the same without him.
  9. Over on banter thread is the awful sad news of James’s passing..
  10. Just awful news about James! We met him at a GTG a few years ago. Way too short of a life.
  11. Stayed in Cleveland last night and the place was packed. Stayed at the same location in November and we may have been the only people there. Normalcy is overrunning covid.
  12. Not me-give me near death as I treat 100+ like it’s nothing-because it’s there. Yesterday it was warm until I got to Buffalo and the lake trajectory dropped 10 degrees which quickly recovered as the angle changed. Hot day (for this early) today in OH.
  13. Warm in the Midwest. I get to avoid the worst of the Monday chill and hopefully next weekend as well. Gloriously summery now!
  14. Sad stories about losing pets. Our Golden is 13 and we’re hoping she survives until we return from our traveling to Chicago (again). Wife flew out there this morning. I’ll start driving tomorrow. Our cats lived long (16 and 20) but 13 is very old for a golden retriever. She eats better than we do to hopefully keep her going.
  15. Got em. Would rather cool and not hear mowers and blowers at 7AM. How about our man Kluber!
  16. Corey Kluber no hits the Rangers!
  17. Bedroom is in full sun during the day-it gets hot from about now through August.
  18. It reminds me of sometime in April 2020. I was driving home from work on a Friday and experiencing a sore throat which was tightening along with my usual dry cough (27 year side effects from meds I’m taking). The thought as I turned onto my street was “damn...I thought I’d live longer..”. 2 hours later we were having dinner and I felt fine indoors shielded from pollen.
  19. I turned the ac on to sleep last night. We avoid open windows upstairs in the pollen season and it was 78 and stuffy at 3AM bedtime. Off now though. We’ve been gifted a month of summer! I’ll gladly pay it back in November.
  20. Back to masks. Some folks wearing them outdoors. I finally asked one neighbor who was double masked playing with his kids. This guy rarely masked during much higher risk times. He said it’s the only thing that keeps the pollen away. Personally I go with Allegra but my allergies may not be as bad. So maybe judging is a fool’s errand?
  21. Lol....new ones are cheap. Kind of like selling an old tv.... Find a relative or friend in need.
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