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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Why did you go to Midway? Inconvenient
  2. I had the right idea. Wild pitch was unforeseen.
  3. They won’t let him go much beyond 80-85. Maybe if he shows that velocity he’ll get to extend around his 3rd start.
  4. I like extremes on both ends. Mainly snow high extremes though.
  5. Plenty of debris-may hold down temperatures to the low 90s.
  6. The accelerating pace of shortening days is a bummer to me. I had to get up really early last Sunday and the darkness was shocking. Hot now, brief cooling Sunday and Monday and then back to dews. Maybe some tropical action in the coming weeks.
  7. It’s here! Heading to Granite Links meeting a friend for dinner-hopefully on the patio but if he’s a wimp we’ll eat indoors.
  8. All political and allowed by the mods. You’re not alone either.
  9. People have no idea…..our flu vaccine requirement was enacted in the federal department I worked during a republican administration.
  10. Masks supposedly didn’t work until the guidance changed in late March 2020. Some of us knew otherwise and masked up but supplies were thin.
  11. What are you talking about? That was public in March 2020.
  12. Can you provide that link? If you’re talking March 2020 that’s silly to bring up. Data influences decisions. It’s not old KA never changing a forecast....
  13. There it is, the Fauci bashing.... Dr. Fauci is one of the most brilliant scientists of the generation. I’ve been following his work for 40 years. However, as a fellow son of a pharmacist I was appalled at his first ball in DC fiasco at the game last year.
  14. I think we as a sub forum need something that’s not gonna happen for awhile-snow. However a hurricane would help.
  15. Drudge is a right wing site but it seems they really didn’t like Trump and stuck it to him when they could.
  16. I mentioned this many pages back. While we were in Chicago 5 of 8 of us in the house we were in got sick-all tested negative. All 5 had colds. I was fortunately unaffected but my wife and daughter got it. Summer upper respiratory viruses going wild this year. Any data on the Southern Hemisphere flu season? Last year it was practically non existent as it was here during our cold season.
  17. Private equity is buying all the medical practices. I remember having the thought after talking with a friend who got a fat payday from selling to private equity “damn...should have stayed private...”. But that should be taken tongue in cheek. I found caring for vets extremely rewarding-really a wonderful cohort of people overall.
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