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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I’m sure that’s not ORH average considering how high BOS is (mid 40s?)
  2. It’s one thing to correctly assert the acceleration of climate change. It’s another to incorrectly infer we haven’t had autumns like this before. That’s utter bullshit and hyperbole which reduces one’s credibility.
  3. We always have green Norway maples-which have become pests crowding native trees out. Every other species is well past peak and dropping profusely.
  4. I dunno...it’s 6000+ at 61N. Pacific fetch wringing out. Glaciation
  5. I wish that were true. Never count on a forecast beyond d4 but I think I the euro is still king d0-4? GFS will do what she’s already done multiple times this season-dampen coastals until go time and then get a clue. This has been a trend for decades.
  6. Yeah-sucks that things beyond 6 days are counted on and then disappear.....
  7. Socked in and dark but pretty mild. I did my long walk early today figuring it’s out of the question later. Hopefully we dry out enough so my landscaping crew can get rid of the leaves carpeting every inch of the property.
  8. It’s interesting now this fall and lead into winter seems to be paralleling 1995. Warm followed by cold and snowy for many and then warm. Thanksgiving was kind of early and normally dank-40s. A few days later it got warm and with my mom in her final days things appeared stable so we flew back to Boston from Rochester NY. Front came through and wave along it gave a widespread 3-6. My mother passed overnight as soon as we left so we returned and stayed 2 weeks. Winter began with that anafrontal event and rocked until the big thaw after the January biggie.
  9. In the bullseye 9 days out-what could go wrong?
  10. It’s the season of tons of salt dropped for an inch of snow that melts the next day.
  11. 1957-12/5 had close to a foot 1958-around 12/8 5 inches 1960 as mentioned-18-20 inches That’s a good run in my formative years.
  12. 1998-99 was ridiculously warm until late December. 1999-00 had not a trace of snow at BOS until mid January. 2007-08 was warm but a snowy December. I don’t consider snowy December’s early. Growing up in NNJ, it seems we always had a good snow in the first half of December.
  13. Nice! I can be there in 4-5 hours although probably add an hour for lower speeds on winding 2 lane roads..
  14. Winds have calmed down but first day I needed almost winter coat as most with temperatures in the mid 40s mid day.
  15. To top it off mom threw them all out when I was a teenager one time when she was getting rid of attic junk. Wish I had them-they included a Topps Hank Aaron among others.
  16. That’s literally what my mother was yelling to me as I got on my bike with old baseball cards in the spokes immediately after Hurricane Hazel calmed down.
  17. Lost power and thankfully it returned after 3 hours. Based on my Eversource text log the last time was 9/21/19.
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