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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Thanks Steve-I may have to rethink this of it all happens..lol. The muthufukkas owe me a 78 to hold close. Incidentally as you mentioned to Ray earlier-temperatures were an issue early on in 78. At one of the New England wx conferences about 15 years ago Harvey gave a description of his forecasting 78 and how it unfolded. He describes Logan bouncing up to 35 on the initial east wind and thinking “don’t do this to me”….
  2. We wait. Next week will either be exciting or infuriating or perhaps both.
  3. George swears cmc and Navgem are superior to gfs.
  4. Euro is just another model now. Did gfs improve or did euro get worse or both?
  5. If euro corrects to the same degree it did for the storm passing us tomorrow we’re in business.
  6. Lol...heavy rain south to north over New England
  7. Verbatim a disaster for everyone east of Syracuse
  8. Excited about Ozark! Succession takes some acquiring a taste for but it’s a great show. Another one that I’m addicted to with new season starting on showtime Sunday is Billions. Am I too old to enlist in the Ukrainian army? All the pictures look snowy.
  9. 4 days but who’s counting. Today’s Friday but it kind of has a Saturday vibe to me.
  10. Nice 12z runs. Can the pope have his day?
  11. As much as I've complained of late I have to admit I did enjoy my one hour walk late tonight. Bitter cold-winter feel for sure. Hopefully some action before it warms up for a spell.
  12. I’ve snow blowed and shoveled only once this year in the same storm. One clearable event so far of winter. Pretty pathetic. That event was fun but it was slightly over a foot. It’s January 20th.
  13. Leaf out in April. No mud season for some of us. Even if MLB is closed there’s baseball somewhere nearby.
  14. The high water mark of the torch appears to be the week of 2/14. No escape if correct.
  15. In the end a happy outcome. So glad your doggie lives on! I got a message from a former coworker who’s dog succumbed at age 7 after a short (2 week) illness. She was so attached to him and I feel so bad for her. We have a golden 5 months away from age 14. Cherishing every moment knowing reality. Our doggies don’t live long enough... Bob, I’m so glad your dog will be ok!
  16. The good news is if I go south for 2 months and a monster is a few days away, I come north, experience it from a luxurious location and go back south when it’s done.
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