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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I kind of agree with Will on the 3/6-8,1996 comparison. Arguably that storm while progged much warmer than verification put BOS into 100+ range.
  2. Question if ORH and BDL can make it. Maybe given today’s minimum. Through 1/30: BOS: -2.0 BDL: -1.7 ORH: -1.6 PVD: -2.0
  3. Sure looks like the pattern rocks on for the foreseeable future.
  4. Once again you must be taught. 0.5 qpf zr doesn’t mean 0.5 inch of ice. It means the qpf falls as zr. Eg: the damaging 2008 event didn’t produce 3 inches of ice but up to 3 Inches qpf which fell as zr.
  5. Howard, just from going around town it was jan2015 but I didn’t venture more than a 3 mile radius from my house. A ton of snow otg and bitterly cold. Winter. But as Ray said, nw of 95 was muted somewhat to a more regular big snow vs historic. My friend in Waltham living right on 95 practically thinks about 16 inches.
  6. Biggest snow since I moved to this house September 2015. I reported 22.2 but honestly it could have been more. I didn’t want to over measure but looking around the hood we may have received 24. Either way I’m happy. Now it can melt.
  7. I can feel the disdain and anger in this post.
  8. Logan was 23.8 total and 23.6 for the single day. Seems accurate
  9. I wonder if we were even aware of some of the differences before the internet. As a kid, I wanted deep cover, enough packed snow for sledding, and no school. Whether I had 8 or 20 inches didn’t matter but it does now.
  10. Well I just finished the cleanup-leaving my car for tomorrow-snowblower back where it belongs and batteries charging. Biggest storm since we moved to this location September of 2015.
  11. Snow now may add another 1-2. 2 puts me at 2 feet so we’ll see. But the band seems to be trying to fire again.
  12. Nah-he’s a good man. He worked his balls off for this storm
  13. We have to bump this when appropriate. Junkies need a fix soon after they have their most recent one. Metaphorically we’re all junkies.
  14. Hard to measure. Ultimately I went with where it came to on the dog when she tried to negotiate the lawn. So I’m going with an unscientific 22 inches.
  15. Winding down. 1-1.5/hour at this instant but starting to taper.
  16. Still very heavy snow. My wife went out and filled the bird feeder and was legit shocked at the amount of snow
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