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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I hope I don’t tube this thread but Putin enabling was done by Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden with that starting to PARTIALLY turn when Putin over estimated his ease of taking Ukraine.
  2. People forget that 10 years ago price/gallon was >$4.00 in many areas. I remember taking my daughter to her friends house one Saturday around 2013 or 2014 and gas went below $4 and I was amazed. We’ve gotten used to high supply and lower demand and cheap oil for many years. We were cycling higher and now we have a potential supply crisis and the OPECkers are continuing to squeeze us by not increasing production.
  3. Interesting. When I bought a house in Los Angeles in 1980, I got a great deal with a fixed rate of 13%. When I bought a house here in 1997 it was maybe 8%. Ultimately I refinanced that down to 4% which seemed rock bottom. I honestly could have put a lot more cash buying my current house but I surmised my savings will well exceed the 3.62% fixed rate and they obviously did. I’m now paying 2.8% on a 30 year fixed. Mortgage rates 5-7% are historically not bad. We just happen to be in a period that probably won’t replicate for awhile. Someone your ago should be heavy equity invested.
  4. Costco Dedham $3.69. Unless we’re traveling that’s where we gas up.
  5. My mom discarded my baseball cards when I was away at college. Probably worth tons of $$$. I forgave her before she died.
  6. I probably read that in real time as I gazed at my burgeoning orange tree in my yard while vomiting my coffee.....
  7. I didn’t realize that-we sold having removed the tank for minisplits last time. So there’s 0 risk for filling and definitely risk for not.
  8. Bite the bullet and fill the tank. If your potential home buyers enter a cold house and see an empty tank it’s not a good look. You’ll make it up in the long run.
  9. Yeah it's definitely in the "don't try this at home" category...lol
  10. In your environment absolutely! But i doubt it goes away in the clinical setting anytime soon. I had my 6th colonoscopy (but who's counting). I went to the endoscopy center vs BIDMC to minimize traffic and allow my wife to park after running around and doing errands while I got reamed, steamed, and dry cleaned.... Naturally the medical staff were masked but i was too. First time I recall sleeping with a mask on but propofol means who gives a shit.....
  11. That’s a given. Hopefully our defenses against cyber are up to the task....
  12. Credit for ingenuity although I’m sure many others have done it...lol.
  13. Pm me and if I can find the book I’ll send it to you. I may have loaned it to someone but I’ll look. USSR had a viable space program and they tested big nukes on their own soil but Nikita Khrushchev was big on bluster and small on real things.
  14. Regarding WFH-when I was still full time working I came in 100% of the time and vowed I’d never be remote. Now that I have 2 part time gigs each about a day per week I see huge benefits FOR ME. I’m mainly consulting and I choose the hours to work and some weeks I work what seems like all the time and other weeks hardly at all. But for one of the groups, I needed to have a discussion that was best done in person. I really looked forward to the interactions that day! Anyone with a strong work ethic does fine remotely. But based on who I see around in the middle of the day walking and shopping, a lot of remote workers are fukking off half the time. I guess if their work gets done it’s ok and maybe they’re working late at night when I don’t see people.
  15. But-are they usable? I read a book by Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame who said that a retrospective of the Cuban missile crisis showed USSR with 4 warheads-probably why JFK felt confident drawing a line in the sand....
  16. What is the condition of the nukes in Russia? The conventional military looks pretty bad with poorly maintained old equipment. People imho seriously overreacting to the nuclear potential which is extremely low imho. Intelligence was pretty good leading up to the Ukraine invasion but not sure if we can ever know publicly what the nuclear status is. The Putin bunker story is not at all verified-a Russian professor/conspiracy theorist claims it.
  17. I walked out-not realizing it snowed! 0.4. Must have been a good one!
  18. At what point will someone close to Putin pull the plug on him? Russian higher ups are really nervous about nukes. Everyone is nervous about nukes but only one person is threatening….
  19. I made chicken Kiev about 45-50 years ago and it was good.
  20. That’s parliamentary elections and as the article stated they rubber stamp everything that the kremlin decides to do. The wildcard is Putin himself. He has apparently been particularly paranoid about covid personally and essentially isolated for 2 years. I just don’t buy into the idea that Putin doesn’t have an ironclad grip on Russia.
  21. My point is he still has support of the majority of Russians outside of urban areas. That means he is supported by the vast majority of Russians. War solidifies support initially. When it goes bad that support erodes quickly. I think a lot of people are jumping to conclusions here.
  22. The people protesting are not suddenly turning. We don’t have hundreds of thousands in the streets. Russia is a huge country and Putin would win in a huge landslide in an election if held right now. But if things do t go so well in Ukraine it’s a different story.
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