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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. The reason I read for waiting until November 2023 is the transportation system baked in schedules for up to 2 years.
  2. Assuming this passes the house which seems highly likely it would not go into effect until November 2023. So the clocks change back once and forward next spring for the last time.
  3. We have one more winter as this would take effect in November 2023.
  4. True! But the counter argument is it will be light early enough in high summer. I’d prefer all Standard time bs all DST if it’s one or the other.
  5. Rubio, Whitehouse (the senator), others. This is not ideological nor regional. Most Americans don’t give a shit when the euro comes out.
  6. Oh it’s coming. Unanimous in the senate and positive comments by house members. Apparently DST and Vladimir Putin can unite America.
  7. DST year round appears to be a lock. Unanimous senate vote and positive comments by house members. Oh well…
  8. The only good is I almost never need to get up before 9 and usually 10-10:30 so it will be light. Dave is right-adjust the school day but how do the working parents adjust? I’m not sure why the want to tinker with something that seems to work and everyone is used to…. In my growing up days, DST started in late April and ended in late October. I despised the early change to DST when I had to be up early.
  9. We had DST all year in the mid 70s. Kids waiting for the bus in the dark on winter mornings did not play well.
  10. For SNE-the 3 states outside of NH/ME/VT excluding Berks.
  11. I filled up at Costco yesterday for $3.99/gallon which is the highest it’s been there.
  12. Speaking of taxes I brought our stuff to a new accountant last week. Come to subsequently find out he’s under indictment. Picked it all up and starting from scratch. About 40 years ago this happened and every file in the office got the line by line audit. Not risking that nightmare again! New guy appointment next week and he appears clean.
  13. Holding off on Roy for a few more days but his chords are ready
  14. Sometimes we can be a land of idiocy....
  15. So if any vodka actually is Russian, and obviously whatever profits have already been garnered by whoever in Russia, what is the point of pouring American $$ down the drain?
  16. Managed 0.5 from the bursts late day/evening. 57.05 season to date. Remote possibility of hitting 60.
  17. What are the early evening driving conditions NYC to BTV via eastern NY? Daughter is insistent on getting back up there tonight. Doesn’t seem so bad?
  18. 115 and dry sounds infernal-but enjoyable too. I went to a wedding 4th of July weekend about 35 years ago. Temperatures dropped below 100 after midnight
  19. My guess is the shift will still be around. Definitely not set in stone…
  20. Definitely! Truthfully my summer routine TV wise is one or more games just about every night.
  21. Right! That one a week later gave me about 10. That per recall did it until a rogue 2 inches deep into April.
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