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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Unless you can pile something up by 1/20, futility is quite doable for YBY. Harder at BOS given a dinkleshit system passing well SE could give a few inches sometimes.
  2. At what point do we entertain the real possibility of futility? I mean the pattern is good but the we're in a serious slump. Sometimes slumps are season long.
  3. It seems like we're moving from Miller A to Miller B as we'll depend on the northern stream to get us theres?
  4. Just remember the words of the late Richard Pryor when facing failure. "Well fuck it then!"
  5. You got it. Trouble ahead, trouble behind….
  6. Uncle doing dry January but he’s still riding that train so to speak…
  7. We have a WOTY candidate that is the odds on favorite across all forums of the bb.
  8. I’ll take the taint. The front end would make up for and the back end would neutralize it. Besides, most of the taint in metro west is dryslot.
  9. Is that the first post ever of the ICON EPS?
  10. Nice storm folks! I’ve enjoyed the photos. Hopefully the love from the ULL adds at least a few inches.
  11. I know I ridicule CMC but the GEPS are pretty robust! I was surprised to see that.
  12. Did I yell? I was just defending my reasoning for posting it improved.
  13. I was going by individual members distribution vs prior 2 runs.
  14. EPS certainly has improved vs 0/6z
  15. I don't really care what the op euro has. It seems the GEFS/EPS are improving run to run. In 2 days there will be excellent sampling and likely a converged model signal hopefully for a big one.
  16. No you didn't. In fact your words of encouragement allowed me to sleep with sugar plums dancing in my head.
  17. I melted hard after the 0z Euro. You're welcome.
  18. Well I'm going to bed. I hope to be up before GFS (12z) is out. Hope for the best. Unless 6Z is a crusher I expect I told you sos from some people.
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