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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Nice hot day today. Gotta pick up my paxlovid so I’m thinking of walking the mile to cvs and double masking inside.
  2. Fail! At least for 7/1 it is….
  3. Interestingly enough, I took a home test after confirmation of covid via pcr-the gold standard-and as of yesterday it was negative. When the home tests are + you have plenty of virus! I was a little tired yesterday but feel better and stronger today. Kind of holding my breath till Monday and if ok at least I’m out of isolation although I’ll need to mask another 5 days. Hot today-feels like summer! After all it’s 7/1!
  4. June is over, my weekly (required for where I’m working this summer) PCR test came back positive. Minimal symptoms so far and hopefully that stays so I can get out of covid jail after Monday. Bad timing and for the life of me I don’t know where I got it.... Beautiful day for sitting in the yard today. That I can do!
  5. Feels like dews coming in now-got a good sweat going on my walk tonight.
  6. Lawns are for playing ball on, rolling on (dogs), occasionally mowing, and providing soft surface for lying on when you’re not in the hammock. Nothing more.
  7. Nice rainbow around sunset. Too hard to post pictures here…but I think this will work.
  8. All day soaker. Hoping to walk tonight once it moves out. Regarding the Fenway discussion-we went to a late June game around 3 years ago on a night with generally comfortable temperatures. Inside it was pretty sultry though. We were there one night in July 1995 after it was near 100 with not a lot of cooling by game time. I remember Canseco hitting one over everything. We were in the bleachers-younger then but on a hot night probably the coolest seats.
  9. A lot of people just go with appetizers....
  10. Not sure it happens today. While most of us are near 90 now BOS holding low 80s with sea breeze.
  11. Cloudy day but mainly dry. Had some brightening earlier but alas we wait for real summer to return.
  12. It actually was swimmable for people Kevin’s daughter’s age until around 2 when it became cooler and cloudier.
  13. Not to wade into a political discussion but looking back over presidencies I gained the most in the Obama years, lost the most under W, with just about everyone else fairly similar although I didn’t get serious until late in the Reagan presidency so not enough data to judge. The S&P 500 gained 20% 1/20/2021-1/20/2022. However, 1/20/2022-now it’s given it all back. As I was telling someone recently....”the next potus will come in on an up cycle and take all the credit while the predecessor got all the blame”. That’s always the way it’s been and if I were in politics I’d do the same. Meanwhile, I have very good and smart advisors so I’m riding it out with obviously less risk than if I were your age. IOW-if you’re young who cares and if you’re old too exposed shame on you. We have some issues that need some balls to fix but I’m not sure anymore in politics can do it. We can draft Pickles? He’d make sure we got snow at least!
  14. Looking forward to long pants and sweatshirt Sunday as I sip on hot cider….
  15. This could be the worst Father’s Day in recent years. Disclaimer-I was in chicago last year so maybe it was bad but I don’t know. It was ok there.
  16. Plenty shabby trying to get anywhere. My house is 0.75 miles away.
  17. I’m a retired fed and starting for those hired 1/1/84 and later we paid into ss so Im collecting ss, a modest pension (40% of high 3 year average base salary without bonuses or other incentives). But I was able to contribute max allowable by law into 401k. Plus catchup in the later years so I was putting in a ton. They match up to 10%. Not sure what the future is for govt pensions so anyone already in or retired count your lucky stars!
  18. That’s about the time I set out for my daily long walk. About 2 hours later the magnificent moonrise made me appreciate the here and now as a reminder that it’s good to be alive! Comfortable but after hours of vigorous walking I still needed a shower before bed. Alas, we’re in the 2 showers+ per day season.
  19. I think most maxes were AOA. It’s just climo in May or June requires big departures before people say hot. June arguably is the most beautiful month. The miserable chill of earlier spring is usually gone and the big heat and dews don’t usually show up for more than a cameo at least until the last week of the month.
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