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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Probably because we were on the wrong side of the gradient.
  2. Well tbf this year isnt done yet but probably. Although what’s a rat? To me under 30 at BOS.
  3. Umpteenth? Were you here in 2021-22? 4 events of significance and 30% above normal for Boston and metro west. 2020-2- wasn’t bad. Big event in December and good February. Past 2 years (possibly 3 when we tally up 2024-25) were rats.
  4. As far as I can tell one hungry wolf doubts it.
  5. That event dropped 18 inches in Boston.
  6. Yes. And it’s #3 all time with 96.3 inches
  7. It used to happen every winter in the glory days. I never noticed it till I moved here in the fall of 1969.
  8. Overrunning when we’re on the right side of the gradient is perhaps my favorite pattern. See dec 1970 and the winter of Leon.
  9. Yeah I remember the excitement for 3/21. The forecasts were so promising! Light rain fell and I was ridiculed for calling a potential blizzard based on the forecasts. The first snowmobiles I saw were displayed on campus in Ithaca around 1967. Skidoo was displaying them.
  10. No! The class didn’t meet again for 2 more days and I aced it. Those were years when winter was winter!
  11. I remember that one. I was a junior in HS and we got a rare snow day. Back then snow had to be pretty big to close schools. Thing is it I had an exam and was unprepared so the snow day was a gift.
  12. The idea of napes on 1/12…a day with the same sun angle as 12/1. Few talk of napes then and in fact lament that snow would stay on the ground. Sales tactics
  13. Incidentally I find this a superb photo not only for the snow but the composition with the line of trees in the foreground snd the house lit up.
  14. Yeah night walking requires some lighting. Can’t do it in the woods. You’d have to repeat the path multiple times which gets boring. Whenever I’m in a small town or rural environment walking/hiking has to be a daytime activity.
  15. Yeah I was proud of myself. Lots of hills and then as soon as I returned home I shoveled. Being on the corner of a cul de sac there’s a lot of sidewalk but it was easy to do. Still added another hour though between the back patio paths to the trash and grill and side walkway over to the driveway followed by the long sidewalk and then path to the front door. Easy without the 8 miles first but now I’m kind of wiped…lol. Not bad for and old man though!
  16. 2” measured about 2 hours ago. Took an 8 mile urban hike tonight in a beautiful wintry landscape. Hopefully it snows again in the next few weeks.
  17. Snow is heavier now as the band moves in. Heading out to walk for an hour or two. I’ll measure also.
  18. A lovely quiet snowy day. I plan for a long walk after my core exercises and shower. These days you have to savor snow-makes me feel like a southerner with this year’s frequency.
  19. I drove past my local reservoir today and it looked like good skating ice with an open area in the middle likely from ducks needing that.
  20. I don’t think they’re going ice skating on the Connecticut River….
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