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About Jon

  • Birthday 04/18/1867

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. This was a first for me honestly. Haven't seen a bust like this in years, maybe never. This isn't a situation when modeling trended our way within the last 24 hours and we ended up not getting it (which happens often with NW jogging, etc), it's a situation where the Euro hits on 8"+ for days leading up to the storm and only the Nam 4km and HRRR starts talking differently. Warm SST's might have been the silent killer, moisture was simply too warm even with plenty of cold air and the TEXTBOOK and I mean TEXTBOOK track for Central NC. Good god this is bad. Can't ask for more, so when are we going to get another look at 12"+ for Wake? It will be a few years. Shame.
  2. He's on another board. I also just registered and am posting on that board.People were way too fast to run away webber on this board, lots of insight and he's going to be one of the most recognized distinguished mets of his time - that's a fact. I can't imagine where he will end up in 20 years...probably some climate forecaster with a million twitter followers. Ha.
  3. You're all welcome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Btw - check out how much this thread is rolling! Good god this was a great idea. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Anyone punting to feb is an idiot Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Not surprising at all, I expect a warmup in mid Jan if we can't get sustained blocking which is hard to do. The next cold would have to be last week of Jan/early feb Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Day 10 and 11 have back to back systems for NC on the 6z. Just not cold enough. Had it been a smidge colder this forum would be off its rockers in the disco thread ready to cash in on their 12" totals Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Bufkit warehouse is also a great resource for soundings to load up in BUFKIT http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~ckarsten/bufkit/data/
  9. It's very unique to our area, here's a write up on it http://theweatherprediction.com/weatherpapers/030/index.html
  10. Yep only 10 days off from the post in 2014. Mods need to get locked and loaded, it is time.
  11. pcbjr

    Hey Jon - Is your message box full? PM me please and let me know - seems like nothing is going out to you from this end. Phil

  12. pcbjr

    Hey - I used this new feature a short while ago to message you. Is this the same as the old PM?

  13. pcbjr

    Good to see you activating!

    Got my flu shot and a shingles vaccine (never thought about the latter until a good friend who is 34 years old got raked last week - one look at him and CVS and I had an immediate double date!)

    If you want my idea for winter - I'll share it with you privately. I'm not overly optimistic way down here, though up your way and a bit north, it could be nice (in a nutshell).

  14. pcbjr

    Hope it's colder than that; we'll see  :~(


    Long time to go yet  :~)

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