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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. Ravens rule I’m likely going to have to hoist a flying trash can lid warning Those things can do a real Odd Job on ya!!!.
  2. Thanks however I read this as “it is but it isn’t”. More ambiguity.
  3. Irrelevant The number of 4” snows that turn into 15+ is like 1,2. The number of 15* that turn into partly cloudy, rain or 4” is at the least 10X the former
  4. That’s because it’s the only precip and weather type that creates impossibility for accurate forecasting according to many responses.
  5. It’s interesting how upset the kids get and resort to name calling , excuse making . Winter storms in mid Atlantic are just impossibly difficult to predict unlike all the other occurrent seasonal weather.
  6. Wow a voice of reason identifying need for change . I guess it’s up to two now.
  7. Someone made a sort of new suggestion that Nothing. actually falls apart at the last minute . All the information and parameter possibilities were evidenced all along it’s just that models can’t correctly identify it. Hurricanes almost shit simple to predict accurately and winter storms around here mostly not.
  8. So it’s trusting the provided info that’s the problem? It’s provided but not to be considered? I dont agree. Many models showed 20” for many runs. Then in the blink of an eye it’s gone. That’s not science. NHC Never predicts a category 1 hitting Miami and we end up with a Cat 3 in Daytona . They don’t then excuse themselves with how complicated it all is.
  9. What occurrent event has actually been tracked? I’ve now seen several new to me comments close to “tracking for days is what is the fun and any snow is just a bonus” Do most of us feel like that?
  10. I’ll get this out of the way its time for wholesale admission that 53 is and has been right. Models are crapshoot guesswork show all possible outcomes . Now here’s the solution -Stop using them. Dont pay for them. Contact the providers and demand improvement. Loss of income may get some attention The NHC does not do this crap. They derive a solution and try and stick with it rather than presenting 30 different outcomes 6 hours later. They have the science and tools . They likely have the far best funding also I cannot possibly imagine how the current mode of patchwork guesswork cover all bases is acceptable.
  11. Plummeting barometer down to 29.3 Real winds with upcoming gradient. I predict a peak gust of 63.
  12. Up in Baltimore and when north of 216 and rain got heavier it changed to graupel, sleet , very wet snow . Stayed 37 entire time . Lighter now and just rain
  13. Nice melodrama but we have not trended worse
  14. Is there any way that since it’s so unusual to get 20” that some models just disregard that potential ?
  15. I mean we are still seeing depictions of 3-20”
  16. If…if..can…can…could…could we Not sure why we import outside opinions from those who never post here and whose skills are unknown. If they wish to participate here then They should do so themselves
  17. We need to stop this depresso talk right now from a half dozen here. There is no “trending the wrong way” occurring nor in evidence of starting up. Too many have some emotional issues that snow lovers just don’t want entered into the mix. This is a happy time but unfortunately some choose to Never be happy. We view enough of the wacked out depressos regularly but store that away for this event and Save that for the therapist you are or should be seeing
  18. That looks like sustained of 25 gusting to 40 and others mentioned how dry the snow may be. Could be historic snow with biblical drifting I’ve wondered what could happen if a low gets trapped right off the coast and can’t move for almost a day. Might now finally see those results
  19. To me that looks like 40-50 mph peak gusts here from that gradient
  20. 25mph sustained and 40 gusts are the big drift maker criteria
  21. Moderate snow in Frederick and 34.5 with 0.25” on cars and tables
  22. The high is behind the storm kinda pushing rather than over the top and suppressing. Let the low be cranked up
  23. How about any other dazzlingly urbanities. !!!
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