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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. 2pm with a temp of 87 and heat index 86 instead of 106! Nw gust to 20 producing a wind chill of unknown
  2. Spooky looking. I was at end of Reichs Ford and it poured and blew for about 3 minutes . Nothing else
  3. I keep it in 76.5 and from 1-6 it’s on for 10 to 20 minutes and off for 6-12 and repeat. CAC and split level. It’s warmer up top from 3-6:30 until sun gets off house so just don’t do things up there then. Family room in bottom level gets almost zero sun so it’s very nice for when we start doing this 97+ stuff
  4. 82 degrees and 90%rh so that’s a sauna steam bath 94HI which I will Gladly Take over a mid afternoon air fryer of 110. You all?
  5. Gonna get dicey when a far flung offspring of Beryl just to our west mixes in with 75+ dews and 90+ temps
  6. Why the constant drought talk then?
  7. 95/79 at Leesburg with HI 113 Most all else 105-110
  8. I’m getting a tinkle or sprinkle with no clouds around . I think heet strobe mey bee commmming onn?&$
  9. My low was 77 and one degree away from tying all time low of 78.
  10. 2010 11 and 12 and this year is about to go into those HOF HOT annals 103 HI here at 11am and 105 at two others. Someone will hit 115 and it’s worth restating that is essentially in the shade and at rest. Exerting in this direct sun likely produces a wet bulb type effect of 120-125 MN Transplant good at anecdotes and in 1996 I was driving players to DC tennis tournament and there were 6 matches scheduled for 2om start. It was 100-102 at start time with brilliant skies and full sun. One match finished, all others one or both players retired. They changed the start times forever after that . These are about the fittest guys in the world. I asked one I think Marcus Zooka and he said only once had he been this hot in Kawala Lampur(sp) on the equator. DC can get garish heat and this year is one of those
  11. See if I can’t tie or break 85 at midnight and/or 78 for an overnight saw a 113 index somewhere this afternoon
  12. Great stuff. Only Four not 90!
  13. 75.5 for a low so three in a row either 75 or 76 DCA headed to 98 today
  14. After 10 and 11, when 12 got going it got scary as to if this is how it would be from now on. Mostly not since then but this year standing out
  15. It’s not like walking into a wall when stepping outside . Feels 10 degrees less hot than same time yesterday
  16. Tied it but low was 75 with that record being 78
  17. This is going to tie my highest midnight reading of 85F 1983 is one which it and 1980 was first time we had a lot of high mins. 2012 was my last 85
  18. Could it possibly sort of “sense” that our and try to thread the open water?
  19. The fissures are getting larger all the time
  20. I’m down to my normal low of 66
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