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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. 28.5 at 12 noon so not much rising off my 26 low . Nw sustained 22 and wind chill 15 . Direct sun bump of +7 but winds take that away mostly
  2. From my old fashion eyes the models are reacting to the cold push now ongoing. By late Sunday night there will be no push, it will be settled in
  3. This is the post I referenced from earlier today by a veteran reporting 1” in 10 minutes Thats two now,
  4. My 1983 thundersnow did 1” in12 minutes. Fastest rate ever for me
  5. My few thunders were like muffled weirdly
  6. You are at least the 2nd veteran participant to share those rates!
  7. Getting bitter out there wind chill 16.5 off 29.5F and nw 17 0.8 on board and 100% ground coverage except sunny pavement. Street slush in shaded areas and now frozen.
  8. 10pm 29.5 Nw 17 gust 32 Wind chill 16.5
  9. 0.8 on the board and got the slush off the patio so now I hope the wind will dry the wetness before it freezes
  10. Thunder two of last four days . One rain one snow we are in over performance mode
  11. 31.9 and 0.8 on the board I shop broomed the slate patio so all the slush is off. So now its a race between the wind to evaporate the wetness or the cold to freeze it. Will report back later
  12. That green on radar just north of beltway is still accumulating here. And now the cold rising baro and nw winds that set us up for Sunday night and Monday are moving in
  13. I don’t remember a lot of snow fog like I just had since 2010
  14. The blast just let up and got 2/3rds” in 20 minutes.
  15. Frederick got blasted again with a quick 1/3rd inch in 15 mins
  16. I did go on and I said the winter wonderland for Monday so HI y’all !! Lot of details to cover between now, early tonight and then again Sunday night. Kinda fumbled the record cut off at the end. Gonna update 8-9pm when things settle down 202-589-1212
  17. Eased up a bit and hit about 1/3rd if an inch
  18. Moderate to heavy now snd reduced visibility. Down to 35.6 1”ph stuff easy
  19. Rain started at 2:35 and mixed at 2:50 and now steady almost all snow and temp down from 43 an hour ago to 38.7 now
  20. It was my bad and not yours Thanks for the graciousness
  21. Rain began at 3:35 and now it’s 30% snow and 70% rain. Temp fell from 43 to 40 in 10 mins
  22. Ok then MacChump I got it wrong and responded to you incorrectly and unfairly and that was Wrong . I should not have done that and will do better. Please join us and your first half dozen are on me-HMP
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