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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. 8pm ob steady light snow, .3 to .5”ph, 1.3 accum., 28.8F
  2. 7pm update steady light snow, 1” accum. 29.4F
  3. Wonderful fire in the fire pit, grandson came by. Just had my mother’s funeral on Thursday so this is a spirit lifter.
  4. 95% boundary layer closing in, 30 miles to go.
  5. 6pm ob light-very light snow, 0.2”ph, 0.5” accumulation, 29.5F
  6. Looking at the dewpoints and temp convergences it looks like 27ish when we are 90%+ so not sweating any “warmth” issues
  7. First flakes at 3:08pm Forecasted on Tuesday onset at 3pm with a 35/15. It was 34/17 so I guess I passed.
  8. 12 midnight obs Milky pre snow cloudiness increasing. 28F. Reporting for duty.
  9. Not one flake here but overcast and 32 and not windy so fun getting tree. Looks like some stations had heavy snow and 30mph gusts so must have been great.
  10. Shield moving north 7/8mph. The “wall” has become a chain link fence. i think 50% of posters declared yesterday that snow would not make it to Richmond
  11. Certainly has worked it way very close with some time remaining. Baro finally relaxed Cutesy white flags, towel throws, I’m out, Game Over May have been premature
  12. Moisture laden but squashed by a high that would have suppressed March Superstorm 93. moistue up to southern KY but like other poster said, central-north central KY is needed for us.
  13. Baro way too high now. Need it to east’e off to 30.25 by 24 hours from now.
  14. Did the models have 50dbz off/along Texas gulf coast
  15. Wherever it goes, things are exploding along texas gulf coast
  16. I did. It’s suppressive up there but 1025 around here is not suppressive
  17. I still do not see a suppressive high being displayed. There may be other factors that I am not experienced with but as far as high(s) pressing down and squashing itvor pushing it out west to east, I do not see that
  18. A 30.25 baro. is not suppressive for DC, in fact it’s almost perfect for onset 30.40+ inside of 12 hours and especially 6 will push it away.
  19. Gonna pay a lot of attention to low when it’s in GA. Around Atlanta we are golden, southern GA and it will miss
  20. It’s apparent we have a moderate+ précip event moving in from south. Not a phaser but rather The classic approach. How strong and precisely where located the High is will cause the models to jump and it’s gonna be 12-24 hours before onset before that locks in
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