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Posts posted by WEATHER53

  1. 4 minutes ago, snowdude said:

    Interesting observation from Mount Holly. Maybe models underdoing the initial banding lifting north, especially eastern edge? Or maybe it means nothing.


    ...930 AM Update: No changes made yet to the forecast for this
    period, as we are waiting to see more of the 12Z guidance.
    However, it is interesting to note that the current
    precipitation shield extends further east (across the Carolinas)
    than what the models had depicted. I am not sure this will
    result in any significant changes for our area as models already
    had the precip extending across our region by late tomorrow. We
    will have a complete update on this system with the 4 PM update.

    Yes there is a decided eastern move but looks like lifting north is starting. 1040 still west of us and that’s a good sign for cold not substantially being east of us come crunch time and then see what effect it has on changeover 

  2. 17 minutes ago, C.A.P.E. said:

    Not sure how much further west you want it, but overall recent guidance seems to at least have it positioned more towards our NE instead of it sliding more to the E/SE. Thats a good trend IMO, and looks to keep the cold in longer.

    Would like it along the ny/pa border  or bit nw of that and not vt/Maine. 

  3. Synoptic history is the way to go but it requires years of monitoring events to establish a pattern of outcome. Models use very little analog data and are mostly math  calculations of A +B=C or B+C=D, examples; but not prediction. Almost the only think I look at now is precedent and current  500mb patterns and as something gets closer then 850s and boundary.  Keith does this also and is better with seasonal patterns  then anyone I’ve ever met or seen and hes nailing it again this winter.

    Start keeping records of set ups and outcomes. It takes a while but if you do it to even 60% accuracy then you won’t need  to wring your hands over every 6 hours.

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  4. Remember models are not predictors of outcome nor even “most likely scenario”.They cover all the bases for a time frame and somewhere in representation over a 1-7 day period one of those projections will confirm and thus more funding to do it all over again.

    if you want to be a model reader then fine but if you want to learn how to predict what will most likely happen then a different method must be employed.

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  5. 2 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

    Ukie also coming in  flatter and weaker overall . It takes the primary due east from hr 96 to 120 with hardly any north trajectory and it hints at coastal redevelopment.  It should be a decent hit me thinks.  The high is weaker then other guidance but with that track and weaker primary should be good bit of  frozen 



    See how the isobar line connected with the high runs thru western md. Before decoupling. That’s a snow marker for DC 

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