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  • Birthday August 9

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Kemp Mill, MD

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  1. 16 at this moment of 10:30. 19F from Ft Washington to Incline at 495/95 then down to 17 and 16 in driveway
  2. I’ll be 20 by 6pm. Been a while. 21 at 5pm Just drive to MGM for a game night event and Beltway was 22-24 the entire way and pulled into garage at 22F
  3. Down to 24 at 4pm Here are my predictions for 12 midnight DCA 21 Camp Springs 14 BWI 13 Annapolis 16 (Annapolis with much larger body of water should consistently be 3 degrees milder and not consistently 3 to 8 degrees colder than DCA )
  4. Down to 25.5 at 2pm from 27.5 at 11am in Kemp Mill
  5. Baltimore has had One 50 degree+ high this month and that was 51
  6. 18-23 in the far north and west suburbs and 25-28 around beltway with me at 25 and 1” new snow.
  7. Looked at BWI for -5 or colder January and got 2014, 2004, 1994, 1988, 1982 and stopped Almost all February were not as much below average but still wintry
  8. The low max records for DCA and BWI on Wed are 19 and 15 respectively; both from 2014. A lot of 1982, 85 (inauguration) , 1994, 2014 around the 22nd
  9. The one outlier was right Heres something very hard to say around here- On Monday (afternoon ) highs 18-22 and turning COLDER .
  10. If that Wednesday high if 12-15 happens then we are in rare air of 1977, 1982, 1985 and 1994
  11. 5pm update Down to 31F and moderate snow with 0.5 on board 2.5-3” at Frederick house and 30
  12. Just hit 32 at 4:30. Moderate to heavy snow . Approaching 0.5” on board and all surfaces whitened
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