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Everything posted by MNstorms

  1. This next week could be really bad. Wide spread 4-6'' rainfalls with 8''+ in spots. Rivers are still very high in most areas.
  2. It's been exactly a month since rivers reached Flood stage and many are still there and going up after 2-5'' of rain today. I feels like the new norm. There were a few flash flood warning earlier and some mud slides.
  3. SW of the Twin Cities is seeing the worst of the flooding. This might rank in the top 5 all time
  4. Rivers here are now rising. Unfortunately they keep upping the river forecasts. The one near me was predicted 734' 2 days ago, 736' yesterday, and now 738' with gauges upstream still rising.
  5. So far flooding is actually mild in Minnesota as the NWS says we could see record flooding in the next two weeks.
  6. Nope, just poorly predicted I think. Check the new forecast.
  7. You would think out of anyone the NWS would be smart enough to not put an office in a floodplain.
  8. So the 1.5-2'' or rain didn't actually do much to the snowpack here. I measured 4.4'' in 12.5'' of snow. Most of the rain stayed in the snow. 50s-60s next week could be bad. At least no precip in forecast.
  9. Flooded roads through southern in Minnesota, especially around here yet NWS hasn't issued a flood warning. Travel on gravel roads isn't recommend as many are covered or partly eroded. 1-1.5'' in last two days have brought the snow depth from 20'' to 10''. I90
  10. Lots of moderate to major flooding predicted this upcoming week. After this week warm temperatures will cause snow melt in the upper midwest.
  11. Crazy past month for weather. We go from -30F to record snow. Minneapolis has 30'' so far this month. There's still 2 more winter storms possible. Record could be broken by over a foot. It could become one of the snowiest months on record. Currently tied in 10th.
  12. 1356 tornadoes. High risk: April 26th Bonus guess: EF5 tornadoes: 1. May 23rd.
  13. You plan on doing Prediction game anywhere?

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