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  1. Probably about 4” near DTSS. Still snowing steadily, but not quite as hard as between 10-11:30.
  2. Weather plays a major role in electricity consumption, so maybe that was taken from a write-up aimed at the electricity industry.
  3. For people really interested in the science of that which shall not be named, I really encourage you to look at the IPCC working group 1 report. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/ There's a ton of information there, with links to the original papers, and it should be able to answer all of your questions.
  4. Don’t forget the sulfate aerosols.
  5. Without commenting on the video specifically, maybe some rando on YouTube isn't the best place to get your news and analysis?
  6. Enormous flakes near DTSS. Grass is covered, elevated surfaces might be giving in. I'd like to request that this band not go anywhere for a while.
  7. Heaviest snow of the day so far (not that heavy) near DTSS.
  8. It’s one member of the ensemble. It has the same initial conditions as the op and can be used to diagnose the impacts of the differing resolution between the ensembles and the op. I don’t think there’s any reason to give it any more weight than any other member of the ensembles, but I’d be interested hearing otherwise.
  9. For what possible reason is it worth looking at the ensemble control at 240+ hours?
  10. Something pretty legit just went by us near DTSS.
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