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Posts posted by lee59

  1. 10 minutes ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    I’m glad someone at least will appreciate this weather. Seriously, no snark intended at all. I genuinely already feel whatever the reverse of seasonal-affective disorder coming on. Instead of being depressed in the cold, snowy winter months, I get depressed when it’s warm and sunny in the winter instead :wacko:.

    Get out and enjoy it at least so somebody is :).

    I have mixed emotions about the bitter cold. I know it is winter and cold with snow is what it's all about. However, that cold where you don't even want to go out is not really for me, especially as I get older. It used to bother me when it didn't snow, now not so much.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Great info Don.

    I noticed Joe B carefully cherry picks every data point or model to point to the coldest outcome. 

    Unfortunately that seems to be the nature of our society today. People get an opinion and then look for the facts that back it up and overlook the ones that don't back it up.


    1 hour ago, SnoSki14 said:



    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    Eh, at least IMBY we had quite a few upper 30’sh 25l days this month, that’s solidly below normal early - mid Dec if not outright cold. Given how warm Dec has been for us lately and how the month looks to be finishing up (give or take 37 at Central Park as per Bluewave back a page), overall that’s really not bad. We just missed the snow, but the month wasn’t a torch or anything. Impressively the torch to start the month was soundly erased. 

    Yea the month was pretty much normal or slightly below with temperatures but below normal with snow. The pattern in December was one I remember from many previous years, cold followed by inland runners followed by cold. Frustrating for us but great for the middle of the country.

  4. 16 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    It should get considerably better after the 10th. 

    We don't need a lot of cold in mid Jan to get snow either.

    I hope you guys are correct but the models did not seem to show much improvement after the first week. It is a long way off as far as weather goes, so there is always hope.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Volcanic Winter said:

    The fact that it was only “17th coldest” says quite a lot with respect to Bluewave’s post and my thoughts. This will be the coldest Xmas that many, myself included, have experienced in their lifetime. 

    It was the coldest Christmas Eve since 1872.

  6. 9 minutes ago, weatherpruf said:

    But patterns often suck for us. Global warming OTOH, is an existential threat. I can live without snow, but problem as I see it is that it is abnormal not to see some level of snow in winter, and that is concerning. A couple if 3-6 inchers if nothing else, but sometimes we don't even see that. Had a run of such years in the past, for different reasons.

    The thing is, at least along the coast. We've had a nice stretch of above normal snowfall Winters probably because of global warming. I don't know what the future will bring but if we go into a string of below normal Winters, it wouldn't surprise me either because of global warming or just the law of averages.

    • Like 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, the_other_guy said:

    Could be a warm rain. Its the little things to make u smile.


    Not even a pellet to start. Not one ping


    Belleayre closed tomorrow. I believe third time in three years on or about Christmas. 

    Global Warming sucks

    Global warming may or may not suck, but one thing for sure, if you like snow this pattern sucks for us.

  8. 3 minutes ago, SRRTA22 said:

    Its as cold or even colder in parts of the U.S than it is in Antarctica right now. That's crazy

    Yes quite a bit colder in some locations. Currently -18 at the south pole. Of course it is almost summer down there.

  9. 40 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    I can still remember Christmas 1980 and 1983 which were the coldest on record going back to the late 1800s. 

    Time Series Summary for NY CITY CENTRAL PARK, NY
    Click column heading to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.
    Ending Date
    Lowest Min Temperature Dec 25 to Dec 25
    Missing Count
    1 1980-12-25 -1 0
    2 1983-12-25 4 0
    - 1872-12-25 4 0
    3 1914-12-25 11 0
    4 1958-12-25 12 0
    5 1968-12-25 13 0
    - 1948-12-25 13 0
    - 1878-12-25 13 0

    I remember that Christmas, temperatures in the single digits to around 10 for highs.

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