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Everything posted by lee59

  1. Brookhaven National Labs already down to 27 not sure about Westhampton pine barron area. They could really drop, and again, if conditions stay perfect.
  2. I realize my quick drop in temperature this evening to 30 degrees, could come to a quick halt if conditions don't stay almost perfect. We shall see.
  3. If conditions stay right tonight, this could be the coldest night of the season in many suburbs.
  4. I find it a little funny when you here about a quick arctic airmass moving in and the forecast low for the city is 31
  5. I guess it was overcast over night. My temperature has gone from 33.3 an hour ago to 28.3 now.
  6. This is why, among other reasons, why most people in our area have no problem with a warming climate.
  7. Thanks for this update, this is looking more interesting this morning.
  8. Looks like the models trending a little chillier over the next week or two.
  9. All though it is nothing to write home about for them, many areas in northern New England have had mostly snow covered ground since around Thanksgiving.
  10. You know our weather is not what we want when all we talk about is the past and the future.
  11. It seems wind events are difficult to forecast. This wind event, similar to others, was hyped with watches and advisories that never materialized. Then you have the one from a few weeks ago that had advisory and warning criteria and nothing was issued. I don't recall even seeing wind reports the following day from that event. It is almost like we cannot admit when we make a mistake.
  12. As far as snow goes, an over performer in the DC and Baltimore areas. Many places getting about an inch. Would be nice to see it happen here.
  13. Up to 2 inches of rain here and coming down hard. I am beginning to think the wind is going to be a bust on the low side, see what happens during the night.
  14. Yea I took down the post and you make a good point. That is probably why the difference in forecasts and warnings. Some folks live in the valley and others on the mountain top.
  15. That does sound more reasonable. Where do you find this data?
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