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Everything posted by lee59

  1. Home Depot sells something called red guard, a good wall sealant. The only problem it goes on red. I would put a coat of that on and then a coat, maybe 2, of drylok (which is white) over it. If that doesn't stop it than you might have to go outside via digging.
  2. Maybe the most muggy morning I have felt this season.
  3. Newark 3 days in a row the same or less high temperature than Central Park.
  4. 1.23 inches of rain in one minute, incredible
  5. Kingston Jamaica live cam: https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/jamaica/surrey-county/kingston/panorama.html
  6. Maybe they did some pruning at Central Park or there was a ground stoppage at Newark.
  7. The sky here tonight reminds me of a Florida summer night sky that would sometimes happen on those humid nights.
  8. .13 on the day. Still hear thunder but offshore.
  9. As far as flooding at the coast, I think we have seen the worst, Sandy. With the warming ocean I think a storm coming up the coast could give us stronger wind than storms of the past.
  10. Raining here again with some thunder but mostly to my south.
  11. Just a shower here, .10 of an inch
  12. 75 degrees here and winds gusting to 30mph.
  13. Nice day, 79 the high and now down to 68.
  14. 58 degrees this morning
  15. Currently 86, my high for the day. The land breeze makes the Island one of the warm spots.
  16. Received .96 inch of rain total yesterday evening and last night.
  17. Just drove around the neighborhood. A few large limbs and many small branches and twigs. One tree came down and blocking most of the road.
  18. .50 inch of rain here.
  19. Best thunderstorm here in a while
  20. Severe storm here, heavy rain, some hail, wind gust to 44mph.
  21. Some future casts show a bow echo thru the area, especially around lower Westchester, we shall see.
  22. 87 my high, now down to 84.
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