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Everything posted by JetsPens87

  1. Oh the Raritan Bay certainly plays an influence. My point though really is that a place like ABE or TTN would absolutely crest 110 if we had the same drought conditions as the early 2000s. There's no sea breeze effect there.
  2. Any implications on the future shake forecast?
  3. 9.4km depth vs 4.7km depth for the first. Not sure if that has any implications?
  4. My buddy said it was deeper than the first
  5. Not to say it couldn't or never happens but USGS does say it is exceedingly rare.
  6. It's only a 6 percent chance that am earthquake is followed by a larger one
  7. I know absolute donkey squat about earthquakes other than a core geology class that maybe had a 10 minute section on it. Above ground = meteorology Below ground = geology
  8. I mean.. that's true I'll give you that
  9. You can switch the date I have set there to April 4th and you'll see the Altitutde and Azimuth are nearly identical. It's off by a couple degrees for even Aug 31 so he was definitely going for shock value and likes.
  10. Well...it is off. But not by as much as you may think. Sure he used August because it has more shock value than September. But largely an April 4th sun angle is equivalent to Sep 10th or 11th. https://www.suncalc.org/#/43.2552,-73.8003,3/2024.09.11/07:40/1/3
  11. Yea I understand the sea breeze. But that is largely overcome on that heat island in July at peak heat climo. It is a non factor once off the boardwalk anywhere else at that point.
  12. With a W or SW wind (the highest probability of major heat) how is the ocean to our E affecting that airmass?
  13. Thanks! I'll certainly have the station setup by then. I've bounced around this whole darn state. Born and a few years in Hillsborough. Moved and grew up in Raritan Township (was there for 96). Then to East Amwell (where I spent most of my childhood and teen years and where my heart will always be). Then to Flemington. Then once I met my now wife we moved up to Phillipsburg (the arctic). Then to Howell for a few years when we started our family. Now we've settled in Monroe and the thought of any more moving makes me ill hah! All those moves and haven't gotten out of NJ. Not entirely upset though, it's an amazing state.
  14. We had an insane cell come through last night that must've dropped darn near an inch or more itself! Need to get my weather station setup at the new house in Monroe.
  15. It was warranted and verified. Bottom line.
  16. You'd agree the HWW was warranted then?
  17. Yes they were forecast to around this time
  18. Strong jet overhead. Mostly taking stronger bursts of rain to bring it down though. It's sitting RIGHT near the inversion.
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