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Everything posted by JetsPens87

  1. I know. He mentioned people complaining about 50s and 60s.
  2. The same way you complain when it's 70s and 80s. People like different weather. To some (alot) 50s are chilly.
  3. Could deal without the mist. And also those of us that have kids really need to appreciate the nice days we can actually take them out to do activities. This weather really limits that and cabin fever especially for 2 year Olds is a real thing.
  4. Its just fun poking backing and forth. To each their own but literally no harm meant.
  5. Because it bothers them that we enjoy actual nice weather.
  6. God I hope this summer roasts just so we can taunt you all season long
  7. This is what you wanted. Hope you're chilled to the bone.
  8. Reykjavik remains one of the absolute coolest towns I've ever been to in my life.
  9. Thanks! It's a big change for me coming from small coupes or sedans always
  10. You guys all made me so nervously excited a few pages ago sharing all your trucks. I finally got mine after some hard months of searching. 2020 Dodge Ram Limited
  11. Thanks! Always interested in micro climate effects. One of the more fascinating aspects of meteorology to me, how from location to location the "climate" can vary from the regional climate.
  12. Does a bay breeze ever make it over Staten Island to Carteret? And if so is there really any effect?
  13. Definitely not 'darker' here per se. But it is absolutely dimmer...almost as if a mostly cloudy day.
  14. Yea I'd also like to see how April or May 80 or 85 plus correlates if at all to summer 90s, just not sure that 90 is some magical threshold necessarily in early season. While an interesting tidbit...I'm not sold on needing a 90 in Apr May to get that many 90s later. There's plenty of 20 plus 90 degree day summers in there too. Edit: By 20 plus I mean 20 plus 90 days in summer without an Apr or May 90. Also worthy to note that there are a couple 29 90 degree day years without an Apr or May 90.
  15. 2 out of 11... yea I mean it's hard to say whether that's statistically significant without really looking at other variables.
  16. There's many more than 2 years that had 30 plus 90 degree days without a 90 degree day in April. I'd say extending that to April or May is really a stretch as you're over extending the statistic at that point. Edit: by that I mean you really only have a handful of total 30 plus 90 days in recorded history so it's hard to make a conclusion that since only 2 didn't have a 90 degree day in Apr or May that the summer wouldn't have 30 plus 90 degree days. It seems there's little statistical significance at that point. And it would only take 1 day in Apr OR May of 90 plus to blow any correlation out of the water.
  17. What does "some heat" mean though? Anomaly wise? 80 plus? And how long? Can we see the data set please? I'd imagine there's more to the story.
  18. I think it's (correlation from Apr heat to summer temps) more about heat build then actual 2m temps in April in the tri state. And the ensembles continue to show the SE ridge building.
  19. It really depends on what it looks like coming out of this MJO Wave and blocking episode IMO. I still don't see any big sustained heat on the horizon though ensembles keep hinting at waves of well AN temps so if there's a strong correlation to Apr May temps I think we're on track.
  20. Yea.. its April. I struggle to find a correlation between OP Gfs in early April and the entire summer.
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