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Everything posted by JetsPens87

  1. It's wall to wall clouds I don't know what he's talking about
  2. Incredible and here we are...
  3. Can't wait for mid July heat and humidity just so we don't have to suffer through daily updates of what @nycwinter and @MJO812 are wearing anymore. .38 inches of garbage rain and a miserable 47 here
  4. Need to be hotter And drier
  5. Move. Just move so we don't have to keep reading this.
  6. Ahhh yes...the Monday clearing and warmup. Right on freaking cue.
  7. Hope you're burning now weenie
  8. It's been pretty dry for almost 3 weeks now lol...
  9. Need more days like yesterday asap
  10. Shot back up to 88.7 on increasing cloudiness but a stronger SW wind Edit: 89.1.... late afternoon 90?
  11. Made it to a flat 88 here. 86.4 now with a light wind that's shifted to the E and increasing clouds
  12. Incredible day! Bring it on let the weenies burn!
  13. The console itself still needs to be connected to wifi though right?
  14. Works good for wunderground? I honestly don't really care much about AWN but would absolutely want to connect to wunderground.
  15. It seems like I can't even get it to connect to the ambient weather network anymore though from what they say. I want to be able to view it from my mobile device (AWN...wunderground...etc)
  16. Beautiful day outside Already loving it
  17. Anyone familiar with the Ambient weather WS2902? I have the original monitor and it won't connect to wifi any longer (seems ambient disabled that functionality and you have to buy a new monitor of course). Anyhow... I just set it up outside in a less than ideal location but there was already a hole from a tree stump so I went with it. Temp dew etc should all be fine but wind will be less since there a tree 20 feet to its west and it also gets shade from that after 5 pm so the insolation and UV will be skewed. Temp and dew will be fine since not direct sunlight. So trade offs I suppose. Anyhow... .15 inches of rain last night in the bucket.
  18. Nope. Just plain incredible.
  19. Monday will be incredible! Let the weenies roast! Though nycwinter will still be wearing booties and gloves.
  20. Wonder if you have Raynauds syndrome
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