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Carvers Gap

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Everything posted by Carvers Gap

  1. Somewhere, a Mayan is rolling over in their grave. Going to have to give the space time continuum time to heal.
  2. If you find yourself starting every damn thread, stop! That is narcissistic behavior. Not only that, it is just weird.
  3. As part of posting etiquette, someone needs to link or pin Foothills' winter forecast as well...
  4. When someone says this pattern, model run, etc sure looks good for snow....Please try to at least try to generalize what areas of our region it applies to. Can't tell you the number of times I've been fired up after reading something like that only to find out I'm not even close. Now, I just look at the models first. Not sure why this was moved to banter. It says, "Feel free to add," on the subtitle. Instead of moving a statement that is not agreed with...state your counterpoint. I am not trying to be unreasonable. It is a fair point. So, I'm putting my two cents back here.
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