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Carvers Gap

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Everything posted by Carvers Gap

  1. Potatoes. Beans. Tomatoes. Squash. Cucumbers. Peppers. All organic.
  2. You all have outdone yourselves. Beautiful pics. Great information. Here is one of our cabbages that is now slaw. Our carrots as well. Stove, I am jealous! Zucker, time for an update. John, I think the cold combined with your elevation has made it tough...agree.
  3. Stove, not organic but natural. I use this. Not a pesticide. http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/fertilome-dipel-dust-p-1714.html That said, I try to use as little as possible so I don't harm any unwanted caterpillar populations.
  4. Nzucker, nice looking set-up. Our weather flipped hot and has never looked back. Looks like you have a really good variety. I always enjoy seeing other folks' seed and plant lists. Nice pics. I agree...fun thread. Appreciate Stove for starting it. Send some of those 70s this way!!! Keep posting your garden pics.
  5. Just put mine in today. This heat(accompanied by dry conditions) is making it tough. Had to do something. How is your system doing?
  6. What a mater, Stove!!! Incredible!!! My garden looks to be a pepper and tomato year. Cukes are suffering due to heat and being heavy water feeders. My drought tolerant varieties are doing the best, including crookneck squash and beans. BW photo just for variety...
  7. Two thumbs up!!! Was a great year to plant early. I am probably three weeks out. Latitude and planting later would be the reason. Plants are healthy with lots of maters. So, like u say, the harvest should be plentiful. Said that one year though and got severe late blight. Wiped out every plant in a week!!!! Knock on wood.
  8. May go by Lowe's today. Thanks for the great info. Will keep you updated. Sounds awesome.
  9. Stove, I had issues with my soaker hose spraying and not soaking. Let me know how that does. I could easily be sold on that method.
  10. Nice! Are you burrying that or putting it above ground?
  11. Stove, you sound like me. What are u putting in?
  12. Nice selection. Jimmy Nardello peppers are my favorite. SSE has them. Really like your garlic choices. I have never grown it but prob will this fall.
  13. Nice crop of strawberries this year...Today's pickings.
  14. Bro, that post needs to be moved to the "farming" thread. Lol. Seriously, nice work right there. Send in some pics as it grows.
  15. This year's crops: Jerusalem artichokes, rhubarb, strawberries, several varieties of lettuce, onions, celery, kale, carrots, dill, oregano, fennel, several varieties of basil, several varieties of peppers, several varieties of tomatoes, two varieties of potatoes, crookneck squash, beans, cucumbers, and sweet potatoes.
  16. Like John, bone dry up here. Similar to recent springs...nice rains and that dang Bermuda high sets up shop early. Here is an early shot of the garden. Cold WX crops are becoming harvest ready. Warm WX crops went in the ground last weekend.
  17. A few buds, lots of daffodils, rhubarb is up, grass is a little greener...forest still looks like winter. However, the kids and I planted: -spinach -kale -several varieties of lettuce -radishes -cabbage -two varieties of short day onions -parsley Cold crops are planted...Derby weekend, the rest goes in the ground.
  18. Tomatoes are four weeks earlier than last year.
  19. Noticed that about fire flies. NE TN is well below normal on rain. My yard is ok, but teeters on crunchy at times. Here are some beans that are blanched and about to be frozen - Blue Lake Bush.
  20. Last year very little in the garden was ready before July. Three weeks early right now. Maters should be good unless we get a prolonged period of rain. Those will roll second week of July(main crop). Juliets within two-three weeks.
  21. Almost daily w/ cucumbers - very sensitive. We have had very little rain. I water every other day at the moment for everything else. The dry wind is making it tough. I water in the evening or it is gone in a flash.
  22. Bro, those look awesome. Seriously good.
  23. Squash and cucumbers are rolling early with this heat. Picked my first few last night.
  24. It is like magic!!! I agree. Even works as a fungicide. All organic.
  25. Mr. Bob, I encourage everyone just enjoy it. Pick manageable amounts and space. Grow interesting items, and especially grow food that you will eat. Make sure the soil has plenty of nutrients and organics. All gardens start with healthy soil - black gold the soil is. And some years, no matter how much experience that you have, the garden just doesn't do well. Just have to learn from it. Garlic is my next mountain to climb - going to be picking Stove's brain this fall.
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