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Carvers Gap

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Everything posted by Carvers Gap

  1. Also, notice that area of BN heights just east of HI...that is also a nice marker.
  2. Great work! Nice information and graphic. Looks to me like a -EPO ridge w some blocking over the Davis Straits is key...AND that the storms don't necessarily happen until the block matures and erodes just a bit.
  3. John that is an awesome list, man. I just wanted to add that. That is just one of the many things that makes our forum awesome.
  4. You know, I wonder how the -QBO is influenced during a transitional ENSO state. Usually it is money for cold in this area and is closely tied to high latitude blocking. I wonder if the -QBO is enhanced or muted during a transitional state?
  5. Great memory. I was at UT. You know, the WATE guys sort of insinuate that they missed on snow totals....but they nailed that forecast from almost a week out. IMO, it was a real success of computer modeling. They may have missed on totals, but I remember waking up on Saturday knowing there was going to be a blizzard. They did really well. I grew up watching Johnny. Always enjoyed his work. Some great old-school anchors from both Knoxville and TRI that I remember. He is one of them. I always enjoyed Bill Williams of WBIR as well...He did not do the weather, but just delivered the news very well.
  6. Coming up on the 25th anniversary of the Blizzard of '93....Link to WATE anniversary coverage from yesterday. Hard to believe it has been that long ago. http://www.wate.com/the-blizzard-of-93
  7. Weathertree...I am seeing some hints of a Nino developing. Jeff mentioned there was some evidence that a developing Nino could reduce the severe season spring threats. As for next winter though, the models are generally really bad with ENSO IMO. I think they called for a weak Nino this winter and then backed off??? I think right now it will be tough to know the strength or placement of anomalies for next winter. Generally by early fall we start to get some idea what the ENSO will look like.
  8. Great thread. One of my favorites. So are we looking at a La Nada w Nino tendencies for the summer? Would be fine by me!
  9. I wonder if this moves towards a weak to moderate Nino by next fall. Way out there and ENSO predictions can be fickle.
  10. Always an informative thread. We need the enso thread as well, Jax. It looks interesting over the next year or so.
  11. Refrigerator pickles. Aged them for two days on the counter and then refrigerated for two weeks. This pic is before the aging process. 15 pints of these... Also, that is an Italian canning tomato.
  12. Not a great year for bell peppers yet w the cool May nights. They will eventually get going. Thai, Serrano, and Anaheims are doing well. I am two weeks behind as I had tree removed to get more light...Tomatoes are 2-3 weeks out. Melons are about four weeks out. Okra looks good. Potatoes look good. Beans are going nuts as are cucumbers/squash(similar to Coach's report). Stuff is growing like crazy. So far(fingers crossed) this should be a really good year. As for squirrels(chipmunks in this case), man they laid waste to my peanuts early on. Had to net the peanuts...those little #%!s. I just about went Caddyshack on the little herbivores. LOL. Sunflowers are just monsters. Sweet potatoes finall pay decided to take-off.
  13. Everything is planted except my peanuts and sunflowers. Ran out ot time before the deluge.
  14. Found this. May 1992. Mt Pisgah snowstorm. Worth a read. Click on the newspaper article and will come into focus. More of a NC event, but historic for this region. http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/anniversary-of-freak-five-feet-of-nc-snow/18831
  15. My wife has been trying to get me to raise chickens. Wow. That is a great read, man. Really interesting. How many eggs per week are you getting?
  16. If we get the pattern change that Robert foreshadowed in his post yesterday evening...you can thank me. Been drought proofing the garden for two weeks. Added mulch to the paths to hold in moisture. Added a 2 tons of of composted cow manure - heat stresses plants less if they are well fed. Also planted early in an attempt to avoid severe heat late summer - two weeks early for me. Have some odds and ends still to put in the ground...but the lion's share of planting is completed. So, like washing my truck...it ought to bring rain by the buckets.
  17. Garlic is looking good - have four varieties in the ground. Planted them last fall after reading about Stove's success. I have to say, this may become a fall ritual. Lettuce, onions, and kale went in a couple of weeks ago. Also, planted some new strawberry plants(have several already). The big news is the addition of more garden space. Added about 400 sq ft more. Sounds like a lot, but is a 20x20 area added to the old garden. This area will get more sun. Has been fenced to keep out deer and has some added protection against groundhogs at the base of the 6' welded wire fence. Basically, I take 24" chicken wire and fold it lengthwise at 12". I hang the upper 12" on the lower side of the welded wire fence and "kick-out" the rest on the ground. The ol' groundhog does not like to crawl under 12" of chicken wire. Works on rabbits as well.
  18. Harvested sweet potatoes today as well...
  19. Stove, as soon as I see the moths or see damage...I use it. Great info in that last post. You have inspired me to plan garlic! I planted 1 lb total. I used four varieties...Red Toch, Silver White, Chesnok Red, and Romanian Red. Just planted it. Found a great supplier...attached the link. https://www.filareefarm.com
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