Jury is still out on whether this is will be a true slider. MRX called it a Miller A, but there are still some really big differences downstream over the NE corridor. It may slide off the coast before it gets to the big cities. I would tend to say it is super similar to the 96-96 storm in terms of track. Kind of a slider but some Miller A characteristics since it may well try to turn the corner a bit. How NE TN fairs will depend on how much it turns the corner and backs the flow. The rain shadow is the issue for NE TN peeps right now. The 6z Euro was much better in that respect(more NE TN snow) as was the 6z GEFS. The 6z EPS is still running(out to 48). It is interesting to see the RGEM with an aggressive precip field. That might imply some mixing in the eastern valley if extrapolated, but it is at range and prob too amped. It is very similar to the 0z CMC in placement of the precip. MRX has a great snow graphic(posted above). I generally agree with that. I think NE TN has a decent chance to get over 4" of snow as the wrap around will help here w/ better ratios at that point.
3-6" for the eastern valley seems reasonable. Points westward may be higher. The angle of this into the forum area is going to be important. Still, even at this late time, the phase is not being modeled consistently. Numbers could be higher or lower depending on how that works out. The cold is in place, and the ground very cold. For E TN, this looks like this hits at night or as the sun sets Friday. Friday storms tend to be the norm of late. It is a weird deal that many great storms have arrived on the weekend, but it is kinda true.