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Everything posted by 87storms

  1. the hrrrrrrrrr has some activity moving through starting around 3-4pm. we shall see...
  2. forecasts for sun vs clouds has always been notoriously bad here, so i'm not too surprised. i don't like that there's a breeze right now...always prefer a stagnant airmass for severe chances. just hunch forecasting without science behind it.
  3. was in harrisonburg last night for a graduation ceremony, which ended up getting postponed midway through due to the incoming storms. we were on the south side of the main line, but still got some breeze, torrents, and a couple of legitimate lightning strikes. drove home too late to catch the stuff as it made its way further east, but that's 2 decent storms in a week for me in early may.
  4. i didn't measure, but i gotta think it was 1" here. rockville is close by. it was a south florida style gully washer.
  5. i think it is for me so far. had a little bit of lightning. if that was better it would be a tough one to top for the rest of the year tbh.
  6. this was a classic summer-like tstorm. great daytime heating, some of which we didn't have with the other recent busts. i'm a little disappointed that i missed the lightning core, but the lightning radar is lit up to the east now. i can even here the rumbles off in the distance.
  7. Absolute torrential downpour here. Top shelf in that department. Premium in gusts. I think I missed the lightning core but best storm of the season for me so far.
  8. Decent little gust front through Potomac just now. Torrent should be next
  9. i think it's a wrap for severe for the western crew. just showers and cooler temps now. looking interesting further east though.
  10. Good soaker here, some thunder and lightning, not much in the way of wind so far.
  11. Healthy lightning strike just now. Best one of the year so far.
  12. looks like these storms have some electricity as well. more so with the cells back towards reston.
  13. we do sunshine before storms fairly well here (similar to the sunshine we get instead of the digital snow we get 5 days out), so i'm in.
  14. just a rainer so far through olney. not much wind to speak of. that cell north of glenmont got the warning, but might skirt south of me.
  15. The cell moving through the 270 split looks intriguing. Of course, I’m not there at the moment.
  16. No lightning showing up with these at all. I get the impression there just isn’t enough instability up this way, but we’ll see.
  17. just rain through olney (in regards to the cell that just moved through). no thunder to speak of.
  18. i'm generalizing, but i always feel like our best severe events are preceded by sunshine, light winds...basically the calm before the storm. i don't know why that is, but it seems to hold true for a lot of potential setups. i don't like seeing clouds or breezy conditions before what's supposed to be severe storm chances. not saying we can't do severe without typical summer day conditions, but we really need things to destabilize and/or have a nice vort pass to get anything interesting here it seems.
  19. getting some decent downpours now, but no real storminess. i'm all in for round 2.
  20. definitely an underperformer with the first round. rain seems even lighter than radar depictions. i think it's up to round 2 to deliver. might need some breaks in the clouds to make this happen.
  21. i pretty much stopped using cod because it only occasionally loads on my iphone. need to switch it from lte to wifi, or vice versa. i use weatherbug the most now. i downloaded noaa radar pro, but the loops are too short and it's choppy in general, though maybe i'm doing something wrong. i never cared much because cod was always reliable, but i may need to check out this radarscope situation.
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