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About 87storms

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  1. The base state breeze has arrived again.
  2. It's a little trickier in college, I think. While some people don't like the gather step in the NBA, I like that they have a defined rule where basically if you pick up your dribble with one or two feet on the ground (aka gather or zero step), then the next step is the pivot foot and the following step is the 2nd step (legal). It would be illegal in that case for the pivot foot to return to the floor before the ball is released (3rd step), but that's not what Queen did. He gathered with his right foot on the floor and took 2 steps. In college, I suppose it would technically be a travel, but a little more debatable depending on which team you root for lol.
  3. I don't know about college (need to check the rules), but it's a clean gather and 1-2 in the NBA.
  4. That was fun lol. CSU has hoopers…tough win
  5. At this point, Queen needs to takeover, period.
  6. They lack length. Every game I’ve seen them struggle has been against teams with skilled bigs. CSU plays a similar brand of hoops as Michigan.
  7. Re long range models...just a reminder that the majority of humans don't look at the 7-10+ day GFS and Euro lol.
  8. The Terps are a tough out, but they've gotta stop getting off to these slow starts. So sloppy to start both of these games and, make no mistake, that will bite them against the elite teams (assuming they get past CSU which has some good ball handlers at each position).
  9. Felt nicer today than I would have thought given the clouds and temps. Probably because it wasn’t too windy today. I’d only accept a 6”+ snowstorm at this point. I just can’t do these little events anymore and I think that same thought might roll into next winter as well. Onto spring and summer now…
  10. Non-accumulating, cosmetic snows are for November and early Dec
  11. The current satellite loop is a base state pattern from November thru April…not an everyday, but a base.
  12. Seems to be as a general rule that south of dc has a little more sunshine than north. I guess it’s a combo of being closer to the Lakes and a little higher elevation being closer to the Apps.
  13. Back to breezy, cool, and party sunny. I'm looking forward to a stretch of hazy, hot, and humid.
  14. Losing digital snow in late March makes me happy.
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