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Everything posted by WVsnowlover

  1. Rain here a little north of Winchester. So laughable that they closed school for this.
  2. This close to the event are you giving that much weight to globals?
  3. I would imagine they'll be closing the lifts due to high winds at some point today and tomorrow.
  4. Some of the biggest flakes I've seen in a long time!
  5. Best "snowball" snow of the season. Definitely not a dry powdery snow.
  6. Easily heaviest snow of the day right now. Eyeballing at least 3"
  7. Must have gotten into a decent band here. Eyeballing 1.5-2" here in Southern Jefferson Co.
  8. Busy and haven't had a chance to look. What's the timing looking like on that?
  9. This article does a good job explaining the geographical characteristics of Canaan Valley and discusses the record low temperature they recorded this morning. Cool stuff! https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2022/01/22/canaan-valley-low-temperature-record/
  10. Saw this posted for Canaan this morning. That's some serious cold!
  11. Still blows my mind that Timberline averages 180". Different world out there.
  12. What an awesome and memorable storm this ended up being out here in the Shenandoah Valley. One of the higher impact events we've had in a while. I have a very distinct memory from my childhood of being able to walk on top of the snow without breaking through whatsoever and it was really cool watching my kids do just that today and even I can in places at almost 200lbs. It's like a glacier out there!
  13. One of my favorite places ever! Spent a year when I was younger working for a builder up on the mountain. It's been a few years since I've been but I hope to get back soon.
  14. Wise decision to not try to dive home today. Those back road heading out of there can be extremely treacherous. Tomorrow looks like a bluebird day with fresh powder from today's uplsope snow.
  15. Just got back from an epic 1 1/2 hour Jebwalk with the whole family. Made a pit stop at a neighbors for a beer and some sledding. Absolutely ripping out there with an eyeball measurement of 4" or so. Great storm regardless of what happens from here!
  16. Tuesday gonna be the money day there. Really miss that place!
  17. This reminds me so much of the first few hours of the big Jan 2016 storm. If only...
  18. Love the glass. That's a nice looking old fashioned!
  19. First flurries coming down now. The wife and I were doing the dry January thing but I have a feeling that's not going to last past today. Football is on the tv and once the snow really starts I'll likely be pouring a glass of bourbon.
  20. Not funny to mess with our emotions like that lol. My bar is set at 4" here. Anything additional is just a bonus.
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