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Everything posted by WVsnowlover

  1. I just want to see an inch at this point. I feel like it's been forever.
  2. Canaan Valley area would definitely be my choice. Something to consider are home prices and taxes being much lower compared to Deep Creek.
  3. Back to sleet. That was fun for about 2 minutes.
  4. That's awesome! We're all a little jealous but happy at least someone is cashing in on this disaster of a storm!
  5. I sat back like most everyone else on here and while you basically insinuated a met didn't know what he was talking about.
  6. I relate my passion for snow to my lifelong fandom of the Redskins. The older I get the more I expect failure and the less it hurts when it happens. It almost becomes comical to a point
  7. Wow that's awesome congrats! We got a mulch topper here in southern Jefferson County and are just rain with a few sleet pellets now.
  8. The localized precip hole over my area has finally filled in! Fingers crossed we can keep snow for long enough to squeeze out an inch or two.
  9. I feel your pain...at least your getting precip.
  10. Haha can't make this up. I think I see the sun trying to peek out lol.
  11. Good precip has been staying just to my west. Need a couple mile shift east to get some decent rates.
  12. I guess I meant perfect as in beautiful views, amazing food, great beer, easy to drive to, comfortable lodging, charming town full of shops and restaurants you can walk to. The snow is the wildcard lol. I do think we will see snow with better rates but this is definitely a discouraging start.
  13. Wow we really suck at snow. My kids are going to be so disappointed if we can't find our way to an inch or two at least. Their teachers told them we would get 3-6" smh.
  14. I live between Winchester and Charles Town. Winchester typically does a bit better in these type of events as they are further west.
  15. What's your definition of good snow? While far below their average, Timberline still had almost 100" last year and have had several decent snowfalls so far this winter.
  16. Sorry, I didn't realize we were in "storm mode". This morning is just another notch in what has been such a memorable winter. Excuse me for trying to find a little humor considering the circumstances.
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