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Everything posted by WVsnowlover

  1. "ADDITIONAL DETAILS...SNOWFALL RATES OF 1 TO 2 INCHES PER HOUR ARE POSSIBLE FOR A FEW HOURS OVERNIGHT" Sign me up!! First watch of the year here. Amazing that models have trended better once again within 36 hours. Definitely been the theme of the winter.
  2. Strange that 10:1 is higher than Kuchera. Definitely looking like the potential is there for the biggest snow of the season for many.
  3. Back edge quickly approaching here. Picked up about 1.5" at the house.
  4. Roads are are absolute mess out here. Accident reports starting to pile up. Quite a few reports of downed trees in roads as well.
  5. Absolute rippage out here. Everything covered including paved surfaces. Just got the call that schools have been canceled.
  6. Spent the day on the water fishing with my oldest at SML. Absolutely gorgeous day. Ended the day with this shot from our patio.
  7. Absolutely gorgeous sunset this evening
  8. Very true. All models failed miserably. I was more pointing out that the NAM was the first to hint at the higher upside potential.
  9. Nice snow shower moving through here now.
  10. The Nam did well seeing the upside but only at around 24 hours out. It was the first to start spitting out pockets of 6"+ if I remember correctly.
  11. Bernie Rayno had this storm right from day one. Didn't he have our whole region around 5-8" like 4 days ago?
  12. Looks like a nice last hoorah streamer moving through DC. Frederick getting hit as well.
  13. Ended the day in the hot tub with the family and this view. The tall rye & ginger was icing on the cake. What an amazing week of winter we had! Cheers everyone
  14. Absolutely beautiful evening. Just got do e clearing about 1000' of driveway between mine and two neighbors. Ready for a soak in the hot tub now. Ended up with 4.5" here.
  15. Just had a streamer roll through. It was puking fatties and the winds really picked up. It was near white out conditions at times. The sides of my back yard are lined with cypress trees and about 90% of the snow on them blew off in the gusts. It only lasted a few minutes but wow that was fun!
  16. Currently the biggest flakes and best rates of the day here (not counting what happened early this morning while I was sleeping). Absolute winter wonderland out there! My heart is happy
  17. Rates just picked up here. Out snowblowing and shoveling the driveway. Channeling my inner Jebman. Making those piles high! Lol
  18. I heard Anchorage is doing well this winter. I believe real estate is a good bit cheaper there vs Loudoun County as well
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