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Everything posted by cbmclean

  1. Well darn it my rain gauge has malfunctioned. Wilson city reporting 1.11". That feels about right.
  2. Man, that was disappointing. Line of storms just missed to my north. Then after it passed to my west, the line extended south. To add insult to injury, it stabilized the atmosphere. The previous 60% chance of rain is now 20%.
  3. 0.64" yesterday, 0.34" today. 1.21" overall since Thursday Would have liked to get under one of those downpours that were attracted to Greensboro or Raleigh, but overall not too bad.
  4. Really makes you wonder about site location of the station.
  5. Yeah noticed that as well. When that happens I wish the AFD would discuss in more detail what has changed in their thinking.
  6. A welcome 0.24" here today. Hoping for more over the next few days.
  7. Ahhhhhhhhhh. 2.25" of much needed rain today. 4.04" for the month.
  8. One thing has me perturbed. A few days ago it looked as if the front was going to stall and we would get several days of elevated rain chances. Now it's going to barrel through in one day. If I miss out on Tuesday, it's dry for another week. I'll be anxious all day.
  9. I wouldn't call it a bust but overall I would say that at least it didn't over-perform.
  10. I would re I really would to understand how ridges work better. How did it occur that that Boston (Logan) got hotter than RDU today (96 vs 95)?
  11. Don't look over in the MA forum. They have a thread already cancelling this upcoming winter.
  12. Must be nice. Currently sitting on 0.09" for the week.
  13. In their defense, many homes up there lack air conditioning. Upstairs bedrooms are unpleasant.
  14. Yeah, it lightning and thundered for like two straight hours, but we only got .02 out of it. Definitely in a slump right now.
  15. Just can't win. Another near miss tonight.
  16. And as if on queue, the cell is collapsing. Sigh.
  17. Yeah it is a laser light show to the southwest. Very pretty. Radar looking good now, but that is usually when the cell starts to weaken or make a zigzag.
  18. Man, I hate it when that happens.
  19. Another day, another whiff for northern Wilson county. Looks like Greenville about to get hit.
  20. I can confirm the ground truth of that.
  21. Hey Downeast, I was in your neck of the woods to day getting my Subaru serviced at Capital Subaru. Got caught in some torrential rain. Hoping you got something. Nothing back here in Wilson.
  22. 0.63" from the storm today. Meh. Better than nothing though. 1.44" for the week, hoping for some more tomorrow.
  23. An interesting tidbit. On July 4th, KFAY tied a record high temp (98 F) and set rain record (2.80") in the same day. That duo has got to be relatively rare occurance.
  24. Radar really blosoming. Movement is nil though. Going to be one of those days where if a storm forms over you, great but otherwise you're screwed.
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