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Everything posted by cbmclean

  1. Mr. Rain, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your services to me and the rest of the SE in saving us from the scourge of potential snow. Your genius was in seeing that the cold stormy signal was too strong to deflect with your snow shields. So you reversed tachyon polarity and caused the cold HP to blow up so much that it suppressed all the moisture to the south. Bravo. Dilly Dilly
  2. You know, last winter, it was clear what we needed to write on the tombstone: "Here lies the winter of 2015-16: Killed by El Nino". What are we going to put on this winter's tombstone? That is was killed by a pathetic La Nina that was so weak that it didn't even meet some of the criteria and barely met others? I would really love an autopsy to determine the cause of death, if you will. Anyone feel up to the analysis?
  3. I wonder if thy just need to quit showing maps of predicted snowfall on a regular basis. These are basically equivalent to individual ensemble forecasts in that they give an idea of one possible outcome and nothing more.
  4. I know, but its human nature that the grass is always greener somewhere else? (or in our case the snow is always deeper). By the way, what do they consider "decent" up there in terms of amount and frequency?
  5. Sometimes I fantasize about living in the snowbelts around the great lakes. The snow comes with the wind.
  6. I think you might be going a tad overboard there.
  7. I feel ya man. Yesterday things looked so good for us.
  8. My wife's sister live in Graham. I thought about suggesting we take a trip over there tomorrow but the roads might not be safe.
  9. Last year we got a little dusting on our deck. My daughter (1 and a half at the time) had enormous fun building a little snowman and everything. She has been asking for more snow ever since. I have been looking forward all week to waking her up on Saturday morning with a white covering and seeing the look on her face. Man, I am actually embarrassed to be as upset as I am, but I cannot help it.
  10. In the spirit of this thread, I will say that this means it won't happen.
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