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Everything posted by cbmclean

  1. At one time it seemed like the NAM was especially good at sniffing out warm noses at the midlevels that would so often crush dreams for us SE weenies. Not sure if that is still true or not.
  2. I was under the impression that the SREF and the HRRR were primarily intended for forecasting warm-season sever weather. Maybe they are more useful there.
  3. Please do not judge all visitors from NC by that post.
  4. Maybe we can call them "muggles".
  5. That wins the thread awards for Most Obscure Historical Reference.
  6. They are talking about the Friday system currently looking way SE on the latest GFS.
  7. GFS exploding on the MA peeps. They're going bonkers over there.
  8. Just curious, what are you up to in San Juan. My wife and I honeymooned there. Great town. Good food. Not good for snow.
  9. The MA weenies are dragging this N with sheer will power.
  10. Well it actually looked quite similar between the two time stamps, with the exception of the glaringly obvious snow shield. I would love to know the details of what happened in the math of the model.
  11. Probably the favorite weather event of my life so far. Had shore ice developing at the Outer Banks. Lakes froze over in Wilson which is in the NC coastal plain. Hit 0F at my house one night after a snow.
  12. So history lesson time. What is the beef between PSU and Vice-Regent?
  13. He's still digging out at Mt. PSU from last year.
  14. Selfishly spending time with his family instead of obsessing over model runs. Disgraceful.
  15. The potential storm aside, any thoughts about the mid-long term pattern? Seems as if the GEFS was maybe backing away from the ledge a bit on an immediate return to the "Arctic Low" regime perhaps?
  16. It's just not right without the reaper.
  17. Just for educational purposes, what is the mechanism for the warm air in the conus with that look? I assume that there is a AK vortex and I know that "cuts off the cold air" but how? As someone else mentioned the streamlines are straight from the Northwest Territories. Not questioning the model's math, just seeking to understand the mechanics.
  18. Sigh; GFS on an island. Can it score a coup?
  19. Chuck, I have to ask where you get your plots. Its like you tap directly into the GFS mainframe or something.
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