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Everything posted by cbmclean

  1. I became familiar with him pooping in the tropical thread. Don't think I remember seeing him around here before. I find it difficult to understand the psychology of habitually showing up on message boards just to annoy people. I mean multiple years.
  2. Right before Xmas that year there was a major storm in the NC coastal plain. 13 inches on Cape Hatteras. 15 inches in Wilmington. Only had about 4 inches at my area in Cumberland County but it was still nice. I have a distinct memory of playing in the snow and sleet on Christmas Eve. Oddly enough I have no memory of the subsequent Xmas. I also have no memory of the pattern flip in January but I am told it was epic in a bad way.
  3. Will need the PNA to be less hostile to get the direct shot of cold. Of course Some -PNA may be useful in fighting off the cold/dry tendency of big -EPOs for you MA guys/gals. Not so much for us SE weenies.
  4. Eric Webber is usually on top of EAMT and jet extensions. Waiting to see what he has to say.
  5. If Chuck says a +PNA might be coming, I'm ready to listen.
  6. I'm driving up to Fredericksburg the 12th - 14th for business. I expect you guys to show some hospitality for a SE forum visitor with a little bit of the ole white powder.
  7. Difference between GFS op and GEFS lately set me looking for some info about ensembles in gneral. Some interesting info here. https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=12962#.Y4uYXnbMKUk
  8. Isn't the Buffalo-to-Bermuda express a standard track? Its how Bermuda gets most of their blizzards.
  9. Insert standard "Trust the warmest model" joke that's not really a joke. Normally I would ignore long range op compared to ens, but maybe the higher resolution of the op is allowing it to "see" the super persistent PNA more accurately.
  10. I give that one the SE Visitor Seal of Approval(tm)
  11. You changing your picture would be like my dad getting a nose ring; it would undermine the very foundations of my reality.
  12. I don't know anything about it one way or another, but I am curious why you believe that FIFA would want this? They think its more exciting?
  13. I think you had a debate AGAINST that guy that said the EPO/AO/NAO combo was physically impossible, so I think that is what CAPE is referring to.
  14. I'm not sure if that's encouraging or scary.
  15. Asking as someone trying to make a significant effort to understand: isn't that a nasty -PNA signal though?
  16. Someone recently made the claim that the EPS has a bias towards killing MJO waves. Is that a known thing?
  17. 2 weeks is ok, would rather not be 4. That takes us to right before Xmas.
  18. The long range does not look awful at this time. That is all.
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