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Everything posted by cbmclean

  1. I think Ralph might object to the WAR. Seriously though, is there a reason that WAR wouldn't be a problem? The -NAO isn't really a block there, just a Greenland heat dome.
  2. Just noticed @brooklynwx99 posts in the NE subforum. He's not just a bigamist like me but a trigamist!
  3. This IS real life. I just work to pay for internet to support my weather habit.
  4. I like the extension of the heights into Alaska, but doesn't this screen cold dry/warm wet?
  5. Yes they do, we just don't monitor them obsessively for 28 model runs across 5 models. Well, maybe @Jebman does.
  6. That's a major accomplishment for the UHI capitol of the western world.
  7. Was anyone able to record anything beyond a trace today?
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_upper_tropospheric_trough
  9. I stumbled on to this site back in 2012 when I was trying to understand that awful pac puke parade of a winter. I remember a moment of enlightment when the patter "changed" but to another sucky pattern. Can't remember what the change was but if I had to guess it probably took a brief break from Pack Puke to a NPAC ridge. At the time I think I just thought there was a "good" pattern and a "bad". But someone on the board pointed out that the pattern definitely changed, but it just transitioned to another sucky pattern. That lead me to realize that there are multiple different types and degrees of patterns, and only a small subset of them are good for our regions.
  10. "Ian" is the same person as DT?
  11. I just saw Webb mentioning that it appears that another high was targeting central Asia which would in turn lead to another EAMT+ event which would then lead to another jet extension. Have you seen anything about that? That turned my blood cold. The continental thermals are just starting to try and heal from the mauling of that last pac puke.
  12. I was amazed to see that I have been lurking around here since 2012. I see that most of the "old guard" joined around November 2010 or so, but I am under the impression that there was some sort of predecessor community "Eastern" or something like that. A lot of you guys (and gals) seem to know each other waaaaay back. Any raconteurs out there feel like sharing the history of this group of like-minded, (very sick) people.
  13. Get busy trackin' or get busy dyin'.
  14. It's gonna hurt if this storm trends the wrong way. People are starting to have hope again, and hope destroys.
  15. Sit them down and have THE TALK...about the NW trend.
  16. Sucks that it takes weeks to recover from the pac puke. Hopefully the good pattern can last long enough to cash in.
  17. Yeah but everyone knows that August is the core of the summer snow season.
  18. Until tomorrow when the storms disappear.
  19. I don't mind oatmeal raisin as long as I am expecting it. But if I grab one thinking it is chocolate chip, it's a disappointment when I bite into it.
  20. I'n your opinion, what is our most realistic path for success here? IF (a very big if), the MJO doesn't get stuck in the MC, then it seems like it might get back the good phases right in that late Jan early Feb Nino sweet spot. Seems like that is at least a decent hope?
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