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Everything posted by jm1220

  1. Great Neck to Lloyd Harbor getting crushed, maybe 2-3” of rain there in an hour. Here lots of loud thunder but still not one drop. This current batch looks like it will stick very near the sound. Hopefully the batch over central NJ stays together.
  2. Storms look to be lifting up to hug the Sound again. Hopefully we at least get some heavier rain. Just muggy disgustingness here and we really need the rain. Not one drop today.
  3. A cell is hugging the north shore and looks like it’s over Lloyd Harbor.
  4. Just about as hot as anywhere on the FL Peninsula ever gets.
  5. It’s not that far from the Great South Bay, maybe that had an effect. I’m not far from FRG at work though (Melville) and it definitely seems hotter than that where I am.
  6. 92-94 in Huntington Station, heat index obviously much higher. Sea breeze can’t come soon enough.
  7. The area that might feel the hottest may be our area though. The temp will likely be over 95 and we likely have more humidity from the SW winds.
  8. Long Beach will be a great place to be this weekend-likely a good 10-15 degrees cooler or more than Manhattan. Depends on how westerly the wind ends up-if it’s more SSW it may not even hit 90. The humidity though will still be horrendous. Up by me we likely get past 95 but the sea breeze gets here before we make it to 100. East of Queens it’s hard to really bake when the wind is SW or SSW.
  9. Quite hot down here in Long Beach today. Looks like we’re above 90, stations here are between 90-92 currently.
  10. Here there was 0.4-0.5”. The convective activity still fires up inland in most cases and by the time it gets here and pushed east the sun sets and the instability wanes. Also often in the summer storms fire on the sea breeze fronts which are slightly inland, and die off when the daytime instability decreases. It’s very typical for places near the shore to go into a mini drought in the summer here.
  11. Rain just keeps drying up as it pushes east past NYC, and what's left seems to want to rain itself out where it is. Not optimistic I'll get more than a period of moderate-ish rain. Seems like we're going into typical coastal summer drought mode.
  12. Very little here so far, enough to barely wet the ground. Hopefully a period of at least moderate rain coming in-we need it. Unfortunately models seem to have the split-screw where NJ gets dumped on as it has been, then another round goes E or SE of us. Hopefully that's wrong.
  13. I drive through Hauppauge and Commack today and the tree damage looked pretty severe. You go any distance west of me and there’s almost no damage. My neighborhood seems to be where the wind damage really started. My power just came on 30 mins ago.
  14. No power at my place since the storm and estimated to stay that way until tonight. The damage doesn’t look terrible in my neighborhood (some large branches and limbs down) but a huge branch came down in the worst possible spot and knocked out several power lines to the homes on my side of the street. The damage I’m seeing reminds of me of the Mar 2010 nor’easter that had 70-80 mph wind in Long Beach.
  15. I’m in Long Beach now but I hear the damage on my street in Hunt Station is pretty bad. Power is also out there. Looks like they were close to the worst but that may have hit just east in Commack/Hauppauge. Anyway, definitely ends the T-storm drought up there.
  16. Never thought Long Beach would be the place for storms, but it was nasty here and got drenched. I thought my move to the north shore would help me with severe a little, but Huntington hasn’t gotten anything so far this spring/summer and I mean anything.
  17. Huge tower going up just north of Long Beach-massive. Whoever’s under that’s getting dumped on. Of course it’ll miss me just north. Looks like it formed on the sea breeze front.
  18. Looks like 88-89 in Melville. Scorcher out there today.
  19. I've mentioned this before but the increased melting from Greenland is likely reinforcing this pattern. That dumps cold water formerly locked up in glaciers into the Newfoundland area, and promotes the troughs getting stuck near there. The ridge that pops up over the trough in Greenland promotes more melting, especially this time of year when much more heat is available (and more heat in general due to global warming). It seems that this year with the west based -NAO in late spring is causing potentially a record melt season there. It won't always be the case, but it's like rolling dice with two or three times the possibility of getting snake eyes. I know it's not the climate change thread but it's not hard to see the connection to the last 2-3 months' continuous pattern.
  20. The higher heights around Greenland are starting to relax in the long term, which should make it easier to allow ridging in the East. However, the same low heights are lingering near Newfoundland. Why this pattern couldn't happen 5 months ago...
  21. I will say that it seems likely to me that the tendency towards 50-50 lows and troughs over Newfoundland is due to the cool waters constantly in that region. The cool water is likely helped by glacial melt from Greenland.
  22. Still not all the way there for sure though. The fact that a 40k person city (higher in the summer) still has no hospital is a major problem. Parking is even worse now from all the raised houses and additional no-parking driveways. The bay side is still as vulnerable to flooding as ever, and that's how most homes were flooded by Sandy (mine included) since that side of the city is lower in elevation than by the ocean. In many nor'easters it's a joke how much flooding there still is from the bay. The beach side is much better though.
  23. Likely power outages in part of Long Beach-reports of transformers blowing. My lights flickered but am still on. But yikes.
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