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Everything posted by jm1220

  1. Light snow with dusting on cars in Melville.
  2. Just the ultimate FU, Boston gets its snow tonight, and then confluence kills the Wed event and DC gets slammed again. Not saying that happens, but it would be the cherry on top of this disaster of a "winter".
  3. The hangback snow looks pretty good there after the low passes through. Maybe it'll be showery stuff but it's the type of system they should bank a few inches on easy. A nice climo reminder.
  4. Raining in Long Beach. In Huntington it's probably sleeting there before they turn to rain soon too. Nexxxxt..... winter. Congrats Boston on the jump ahead of NYC they'll have by the end of this (which they probably had anyway due to the lousy Logan measurements).
  5. It’s becoming pretty clear to me that the Mon event is for I-90 or maybe a little to the south into CT and RI, lower Hudson Valley. It’s not a strong warm push but lows in central PA rarely if ever deliver in NYC.
  6. GFS still has a primary low going into central PA and a coastal redevelopment too late. It would be fine for Boston but lousy for us. The redevelopment has to happen sooner or the primary be weaker/track south. It warms us up too much.
  7. Hopefully the low and shortwave can edge a little to the south and keep the warm air at bay. It's looking right now like it'll be a little too far north for most of us and focus the most snow on I-90. Maybe in NYC/LI there's an inch or two on the front and back end. The GGEM is better but hopefully some other models can show it. The SE ridge is flexing its muscle a little too much here.
  8. It’s likely a good sign for you guys that the sleet line is getting pushed back in my area (central Long Island). Still all snow here and coming down moderate after sleet charged in pretty fast initially.
  9. Normal isn’t happening without a massive reversal. A pattern that dumps snow on Seattle will always be horrendous here. Maybe the MJO can finally settle into phase 8-1, but time is running short to make something happen. This winter has been much harder into Nina type patterns than the last few actual Nina’s that were actually good here, and this is actually a Nino, which shows since DC and Richmond into the Carolinas had some good winter storms.
  10. This isn't something I'm optimistic about around NYC after an initial maybe 1-3" of snow/slop. It's a pretty typical Nina-like setup where the primary and SW flow aloft kills the cold air in place despite it redeveloping and the high over Quebec. That might save it for Boston but whatever redevelopment is too late here. NW areas hold onto cold surface air and have an icy setup. Maybe some of these basic conditions can change but it's not something I'm staying up to track around my neck of the woods at least. The Nov 15th system may have been the one of 10 of these SWFE crap events to work out but odds are this is a brief snow to washout event near the coast. Also, these often trend warm at the end.
  11. It really just is that sucktastic. The 0.10" or so of rain today washed off maybe half the salt left on my car from said cold couple of days followed by torch and rain. We're due for an awful winter down here, it's just how it is, but this one really does suck. To have DC and Richmond leap over us? And now probably Seattle? Curious to see if there's ever been a winter where DC, Richmond, and Seattle all finished higher in seasonal snow than NYC. DC/Richmond may in a suppressed Nino, Seattle may in some Ninas. This "winter" may do it.
  12. Wooo, here comes a lousy Nina SWFE on Tue in a semi-Nino that'll maybe give me a slop 2-3" which will be gone 2-3 hours later in the inevitable washout. The favored NW areas and New England though will get a solid 6" dump followed by sleet to lock it in. Not to mention, SWFEs almost to a T trend warm at the very end. I guess except our rogue November 15th SWFE this year which was the last time I had an inch of snow in an event, where south, north and west have all seen plenty. Count me among those rooting on spring and an end to this disaster. The 55-60 a few days ago felt great. I couldn't care less about a tease to another cold washout like this Tuesday's becoming.
  13. I'm not throwing the towel yet but it's in my hand for sure. Nothing seems to be changing meaningfully enough to create real threats here. We'll get the configuration good enough for the couple day shot of cold behind a cutter or otherwise nothing event near the coast, but nothing can sustain with the Pacific jet constantly demolishing any good setup. We've also had bad luck in the couple of windows we had for a snow event because of suppression. There's still time for a change for a week or so, but now we're into Feb and still looking 10+ days out for any sign of changes. The MJO leaning toward phase 5/6 again which means more insane Pacific Jet is another bad sign.
  14. As it's been all season, I'm not the least bit interested in any significant snow threat here until the roaring zonal Pacific jet slows down and we see sustained ridging in the West. Then maybe we could at least luck out with a well timed and placed system that can track favorably for us. With the Pacific jet the way it is, we're destined for either cutters and transient cold, or lousy suppressed to garbage storms. The Atlantic looks to be little or no help either, with weak assistance from the NAO at best. The post day 7 storms will continue to be mirages until that changes. A 1-3/2-4" type event is possible, but even that hasn't happened near the coast whatsoever.
  15. A couple of the measurements seemed low compared to the rest of the city. The mid November event seemed to have 2-3" elsewhere in the city but 1" at the airport. 1/20 seemed to have 3-4" in the city but again 1" at the airport. Most of Boston is probably 7-9" at this point like NYC is. Doesn't take away from the lameness of this "winter".
  16. Maybe the app is counting falling paper as falling snow?
  17. Up here (I can actually say that now lol), doesn't look like much melted and we have snowcovered everything. Probably a half inch and blowing around. It might actually be better for driving than a situation like yours.
  18. May not be a good thing since temps are crashing and it may flash freeze. Ending in Huntington but wow, that was insane. Everything here is covered.
  19. Definitely at holy **** intensity. Visibility a couple hundred feet. Reminds me of the worst of the blizzard post New Years last year.
  20. Winds picking up in Huntington. Excited to finally see some real snow even if for a few minutes.
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